I like liberal causes!utgardlokiJanuary 26 2005, 05:39:17 UTC
I am in favor of gay rights, including gay marriage. I fail to see how any family is negatively impacted becasue two guys getting married. For the stability of their own families, they need marriage rights. How can a party consider itself pro-family if it wants tear those families apart?
When you vote for any candidate, you need to make compromises. I would like to vote pro-business (especially since a business gives me my pay check), but I don't agree with the war against Iraq, but there are some wars that were worth fighting (I'll endorse the War of 1812), but when possible peaceful means of resolving conflicts are better than violent means, but it really annoys me when anybody who takes Jesus Christ's advice that the peacemakers be blessed is accused of being pro-Saddam Hussein. Was Jesus Christ pro-Saddam Hussein?
I do not feel comfortable bringing the government and lawyers into the abortion decision. I don't see that the potential of a fertilized egg cell to develope into a human being is something that must be actualized in every instance. A fertilized egg cell could develope into two human beings (identical twins), so it can not be "a" human being.
I am especially not comfortable making decisions based on what theologians say and can not prove, especially when they so blithely ignore so many things that we can prove. If we could get theological support for population control and contraception, then perhaps we would not need so many abortions.
Maybe abortion is barbaric. However, I do not regard contraception, in vitro fertilization, or stem cell research to be evil or bad or barbaric. I see nothing wrong with cloning, (except that it would not be ethical to clone humans until we figure out how to make healthy clones of higher animals).
I don't have the answers on the abortion problem. But I think we need to have a balance of power, because if either political party dominates the government, it will lose accountability to us, just as the Democrats did when they held Congress for 40 years, and as I'm afraid the Republicans will.
Re: I like liberal causes!utgardlokiJanuary 28 2005, 08:00:39 UTC
Liberals don't have causes, they have fads. Liberals pander to the ignorant who want free handouts from the government with no strings attached. The Democratic Party is politically the Walking Dead Party. They have no chance of ever winning another election unless they start listening to Real Americans.
Gay Marriage? Gays do not have a monogamous lifestyle, even when they have a so-called "life partner," so how can they have a true marriage? And what makes anyone think that if Gays had the chance to be married they'd stay married? With divorce among heterosexual couples above 50%, why would anyone other than divorce attorneys want to give Gays the benefit of marriage?
Gay families? A family is not simply two people cohabiting and raising a child. A family is a married male and female couple raising a child or children. If the male or female parent dies, then the widow or widower and children are still a family, as the memories of the deceased parent are still kept alive. A same-sex cohabitation with children is not, and never will be, a family any more than two roommates with a pet lizard are a family.
As for abortion, it is murder, plain and simple. Fertilized cells are the beginning of life. Partial-birth abortions are living babies that are removed from the womb and killed. I'll repeat it again. Abortion is nothing but murder, pure and simple.
Stem Cell Research is the product of aborted fetuses. That's like digging up bodies from graves and creating Frankenstein.
Re: I like liberal causes!utgardlokiJanuary 28 2005, 17:23:31 UTC
Okay, "End of discussion"
If you don't consider me a "Real American" because I don't agree with your political views, either you have a seriously constrained connection with reality, or you are not a real patriot. For how can someone really be a patriot if he does not love this country, and how can somebody really love this country if he does not love the people who are citizens of this country.
Re: I like liberal causes!professortheriJanuary 29 2005, 08:30:50 UTC
Wow! Amazing discussion on this page. Although I don't agree with all the viewpoints expressed here, I firmly believe in freedom of speech. This online discussion reminds me of my Cultural Diversity course where we discuss various issues, including those expressed here. Some of my students begin the course with incredibly polarized viewpoints. The beauty of teaching this course is seeing those polarities move closer to the center by the end of the semester. Through the discussions we have each week, people recognize that although they may never agree, they have grown though the process of trying to crystalize their viewpoints so that others may, if not agree with their particular views, then at least better understand them. Keep the discussion going, David. You've obviously sparked something through your musings which may very well open minds. Wouldn't it be great if everyone would take the time to participate in this kind of dialogue? Think how this could positively affect our entire political future. One person truly CAN make a difference!
Re: I like liberal causes!iamcyberJanuary 29 2005, 07:32:09 UTC
BTW, stem cells used for research DO NOT always come from aborted fetuses...much of it now comes from umbilical cord blood.
The several gay married couples that I know have been together and monogamous for over 25 years and the two who chose to adopt children have raised highly educated, very self-actualized children. Should one of them had passed away, the surviving parent would've seen to it that they did their best to raise their children.
Whatever godforsaken, Fallwell-watching, rusted-out-beater-driving, hillbilly backwoods you seem to hail from is NOTHING LIKE THE REAL WORLD...why don't you try doing some research on topics you seem to know little to nothing about before you open up your mouth and jam your foot in it?!?! Summabitch fuckwagon, at least have the guts enough to identify yourself if you're going to post such erroneous information...sheesh, if you're not willing to own up to such a farce, then don't bother to post anything at all!!!
Re: I like liberal causes!iamcyberJanuary 29 2005, 07:50:07 UTC
Did you even BOTHER to vote in this past election, or are you just one of the MANY whining Americans that didn't vote but have a lot of hot air to share?
When you vote for any candidate, you need to make compromises. I would like to vote pro-business (especially since a business gives me my pay check), but I don't agree with the war against Iraq, but there are some wars that were worth fighting (I'll endorse the War of 1812), but when possible peaceful means of resolving conflicts are better than violent means, but it really annoys me when anybody who takes Jesus Christ's advice that the peacemakers be blessed is accused of being pro-Saddam Hussein. Was Jesus Christ pro-Saddam Hussein?
I do not feel comfortable bringing the government and lawyers into the abortion decision. I don't see that the potential of a fertilized egg cell to develope into a human being is something that must be actualized in every instance. A fertilized egg cell could develope into two human beings (identical twins), so it can not be "a" human being.
I am especially not comfortable making decisions based on what theologians say and can not prove, especially when they so blithely ignore so many things that we can prove. If we could get theological support for population control and contraception, then perhaps we would not need so many abortions.
Maybe abortion is barbaric. However, I do not regard contraception, in vitro fertilization, or stem cell research to be evil or bad or barbaric. I see nothing wrong with cloning, (except that it would not be ethical to clone humans until we figure out how to make healthy clones of higher animals).
I don't have the answers on the abortion problem. But I think we need to have a balance of power, because if either political party dominates the government, it will lose accountability to us, just as the Democrats did when they held Congress for 40 years, and as I'm afraid the Republicans will.
I don't have answers, only questions.
Gay Marriage? Gays do not have a monogamous lifestyle, even when they have a so-called "life partner," so how can they have a true marriage? And what makes anyone think that if Gays had the chance to be married they'd stay married? With divorce among heterosexual couples above 50%, why would anyone other than divorce attorneys want to give Gays the benefit of marriage?
Gay families? A family is not simply two people cohabiting and raising a child. A family is a married male and female couple raising a child or children. If the male or female parent dies, then the widow or widower and children are still a family, as the memories of the deceased parent are still kept alive. A same-sex cohabitation with children is not, and never will be, a family any more than two roommates with a pet lizard are a family.
As for abortion, it is murder, plain and simple. Fertilized cells are the beginning of life. Partial-birth abortions are living babies that are removed from the womb and killed. I'll repeat it again. Abortion is nothing but murder, pure and simple.
Stem Cell Research is the product of aborted fetuses. That's like digging up bodies from graves and creating Frankenstein.
As for cloning, Dolly died. End of discussion.
If you don't consider me a "Real American" because I don't agree with your political views, either you have a seriously constrained connection with reality, or you are not a real patriot. For how can someone really be a patriot if he does not love this country, and how can somebody really love this country if he does not love the people who are citizens of this country.
The several gay married couples that I know have been together and monogamous for over 25 years and the two who chose to adopt children have raised highly educated, very self-actualized children. Should one of them had passed away, the surviving parent would've seen to it that they did their best to raise their children.
Whatever godforsaken, Fallwell-watching, rusted-out-beater-driving, hillbilly backwoods you seem to hail from is NOTHING LIKE THE REAL WORLD...why don't you try doing some research on topics you seem to know little to nothing about before you open up your mouth and jam your foot in it?!?! Summabitch fuckwagon, at least have the guts enough to identify yourself if you're going to post such erroneous information...sheesh, if you're not willing to own up to such a farce, then don't bother to post anything at all!!!
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