Life and Death

Mar 28, 2008 23:52

Today I attended the funeral services for Daxton, Jeremy's great nephew son of Matt Jer's newphew. I have know Matt since he was a baby and have watched him grow up and start a family of his own.The services were hard on me today because Faye is the same age as Daxton was. It is very hard to think how much pain Matt and Micheal are going thur right now. I would just die if anything happened to any of my five kids. Makes you think about life a little bit.This week has been hard for my Brother Jeremy and his family. Also on Dani who has to deal with pain of pre-trem labor and worring about me.You see Tues morning I woke up to go to work and could not move the left side of my body, it was num and had a shooting pain going down it. It really scared me also. so we went to the Doctor and they moved up my follow up MRI for the one I had in Nov. Where I found out I have arthritis in my neck and shoulders, and a lesion on the right side of my brain. so the Doctor did some test by having me do things with my hand and the right side was dead on target. but my left side was not up to speed so to speak. While in that tube getting the MRI done I just kept thinking, this is it your driving days are over now it seems your art days are not far from being gone also.I love creating art and doing graphic art. But the one thing that troubles me the most is that my soon to be born son wont have the father his brother and sisters had. Will I be able to play with him throw him into the air like I do Kaylee and Faye.Play video games with him like I do Adam.Hold him til he falls asleep like have all my kids. I guess only time will tell.
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