I saw this on a friend's journal, and felt like doing it.
1. Make a list of 5 things you can see:
Cord Phone
Candy dish
Mug full of Pens
2. Would you ever get plastic surgery?
Not for any reason other than horrific disfigurement in a car crash--where it might actually be warranted. Otherwise, I think it's superficial, and I'm gonna stick with what i have.
3. Is there anything in your fridge right now that you would never eat/drink?
The rats that I have frozen for the snakes. Oh, you mean people food. Hm--probably the cottage cheese, because I dislike the texture and taste of it.
4. What's your occupation?
Author and Cosplayer. Oh, and Security Officer. The last one's what I get paid for, and one of the others I hope to get paid for.
5. Do you nap a lot?
I don't have time to anymore, really.
6. Who was your first celebrity crush?
Hm, I'm honestly not sure. I don't know if I've ever liked a celebrity that way; though there are many I just enjoy to go see, like Helena Bonham-Carter, and Nicole Kidman.
7. What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
I've been on a Bleach kick for the last few months, that does not seem to shake whatsoever. Oh, and at the moment, I'm head over heels in love with the current Naruto filler woman, Guren.
8. What are you listening to now?
The noise the water fountain across the room is making.
9. What was the last text message you received?
I can't get texts--so the last one I actually received was almost two years ago on a phone that I didn't know could receive them. I think the actual text was about Suikoden.
10. What websites do you always visit when you go online?
LiveJournal (My journal, my RP journal, a crapload of communities), Gmail (and GoogleDocs), A certain imageboard site (we all know what it is, so I'm not breaking rules 1 and 2.), Cake Wrecks, and OneManga.
11. What was the last thing you bought?
A bottle of Sundrop, and a bag of a weird Honey Nut Cheerios snack mix.
12. Radiohead, Muse, or Interpol? Choose one.
I adore Muse as well, but I would have to say Radiohead.
13. Does the weather affect your mood?
Sometimes. The days I feel melancholy sometimes just happen to be gray. I will attest to sunlight picking up your mood, though. I think that's been proven somewhere.
14. What is your zodiac sign?
Jesus Christ, it's a Leo, get in the car.
15. Subway or Quiznos?
Ah, Jimmy John's isn't a choice? Eh, between Quizno's and Subway, I'd probably say Quizno's, though I'll still eat Subway.
16. Weird dream?
I being dressed in Leather armor and normal RPG fare, and going to this tiny floating island to defend it from demons (all while having an ability set comparable to my combat rogue in Warcraft)--and when my nameless partner on the island died, I got overwhelmed--and told the demon leader I wouldn't give her the satisfaction of my death, and jumped off the island--and hit the ground. I woke up in another dream--in a shiny urban downtown area, where I went into a building with my friends--that had a church with an anime club sign, and then there was a scientific outfitters store beyond it in another building.
This is one I remember because it happened a few nights ago--and I told someone about it immediately after I awoke.
17. Do you have any siblings?
Two: an older sister, and an older brother.
18. What's something you'd like to say to someone right now?
I love you very, very much Dylan, and am waiting excitedly for your arrival on the train today. I cannot wait for you to get here.
19. What are your plans for next weekend?
Cosplay work, Hanging out with Dylan, and going to work.
20. Say something about the person who tagged you.
I tagged myself...so...I guess I'll tag someone in the form of
tasogaretaichou here. Or anyone else who feels like doing it.