I did a little walk through Red Butte Garden this morning and took a few pictures. Things are starting to wake up from their long winter sleep...it's pretty exciting for us plant nerds.
The first couple pics are of Iris reticulata which is a species of dwarf iris. I don't particularly care for most of the Iris's out there, but I kinda like these ones.
This little white flower is called Snowdrops...its pretty cute! Its petals have a small spot of green on the tip....the sepals are entirely white....They are just popping up in the oak beds....Very Niiiice.
In the Courtyard the Daffodils are also blooming like mad....I don't really care for daffodils but I thought the picture was kinda nice.
Finally there is this special little flower. It is called Indian Potato. It grows up in the natural area where no gardening goes on. This tinsy little thing is one of the first things to bloom after the snow melts off. The Native Americans would dig up the bulbs of this plant and eat them. They are pretty starchy, and kinda...just kinda taste like water chestnuts.
I gotta have more cowbell baby!