Nov 27, 2005 13:36
I'm bored, but my brain isn't feeling fully functional quite yet to get going on an anti-PC rant. Now that it's Christmas time, the PC police will be after the use of the word 'Christmas' and any Christian symbology related to this time of year. God forbid holidays have any sort of religious roots. Even the ones that have morphed away from their original religious meanings and have nestled themselves nicely within American culture.
But hey -- forget all that. Nevermind how evil Christianity is. Let's hail Islam and talk about what a wonderful, productive, socially beneficial religion that is!
Maybe I'll finish this later... But first..
147. Color: Black, red, brown, blue, etc.
148. Food: Japanese
149. Drink: juice
150. Type of Music: ? Right now I'm addicted to hip hop
151. Band/Singer: Can't pick one.
152. Song: Oh come on.
153. Actor: I dunno.. I dig Samuel L Jackson.
154. Actress: Ahh too many.
155. Relative: Hmmm.. my Aunt Lisa.
156. Store: As far as groceries go.. Wal-Mart. Cheapest everything. But Fry's has better meat.
157. Movie: I don't have *one* favorite.
158. Animal: I like big kitties.
159. Month: The month where I get to do the most fun stuff.
160. Season: :shiver: I like winter.. but I always forget how fucking cold it gets.
161. Holiday: Thanksgiving is damn good.
162. Flower: Orchids, lotuses, cherry blossoms..
163. Finger: Heh heh heh..
164. Candy: Gummis. Or cherry flavored whatever.
165. Gum: That Trident ice whitening stuff or whatever.. I dunno what it's called.
166. Resturant: Ah-So
167. Fast Food: Hmm.. Arby's?
168. Fruit: Mmm.. apples. And oranges. Strawberries and blueberries. Mmm raspberries. Cherries! I love fruit.
169. Ice Cream Flavor: Mint choc. chip or some form of chocolate x 3.
170. Toothpaste: Minty. Whitening.
171. Perfume: Sunflowers.
172. Cologne: Whatever it is Jojo wears is daaamn good.
173. Shampoo: Herbal Essences
174. Flavor of Chapstick: I like carmex.
175. Time of Day: Night.
176. Day of the Week: Saturday.
177. Sport: Basketball!
178. Car: I dunno.. I loooooove GTIs still.
179. Color of Car: Depends on the car. Dark colors usually.. reds, blues, black, rrreal dark greens.. Or sometimes a car looks good in silver. Not usually any orange, yellow, white, beige, etc.
180. Number: It's a number. Why have a favorite?
181. Gemstone: Hmmm.. diamonds?
182. Hair Color: Black.
183. Eye Color: Light. Green or blue. I think I like green a little better.
184. MM Color: They all taste the same.
185. Mall: NOT metro...
186. Amusement Park Ride: I dunno.. some crazy roller coaster?
Least Favorite
187. Color: Pink
188. Food: Tomatoes
189. Drink: Iced tea, martinis
190. Type of Music: Hmmm.. probably that "smooth jazz" Kenny G shit... and new school "i fuck my sister" country. And pop music.
191. Band/Singer: I dunno. I'm rrrreally not big on pop music. Pick one. Pick any of those idiots from American Idol. To quote Em "These fuckin brats can't sing and Britney's garbage. What is this bitch, retarded? Give me back my sixteen dollars."
192. Song: ? Don't have one particular least fav.
193. Actor: Nicholas Cage. Ugh.
194. Actress: I dunno.. I can't think of one off the top of my head.
195. Relative: I don't have one.
196. Store: Ghetto grocery stores. Hoochie clothing stores.
197. Movie: Well.. Van Helsing was the worst movie ever made.
198. Animal: Eh. I'm not big on insects.
199. Month: I always get dumped in May.
200. Season: I hate the summers here.
201. Holiday: Christmas is a gi-normous pain in the ass.
202. Flower: Ugly ones? I don't know.
203. Candy: Hot candy, overly chewy candy like taffy, anything coconut.
204. Gum: Crappy gum with no flavor after 2 minutes.
205. Resturant: Cheesecake Factory. FUCK that place.
206. Fast Food: Taco Bell.
207. Fruit: Tomatoes.
208. Ice Cream Flavor: Lots of them. Anything with too much crap in it. IE. peanut butter, nuts, caramel, marshmallows, etc.
209. Toothpaste: That citrus shit. What the fuck.
210. Perfume: Gramma perfume.
211. Cologne: Most of the stuff boys wear. [[they wear too much]]
212. Shampoo: Don't have a least fav.
213. Flavor of Chapstick: Root beer is gross.
214. Time of Day: Time to wake up.
215. Day of the Week: Monday.
216. Sport: Stupid ones. Like curling. Or polo. Or Nascar.
217. Car: Hmm... I dunno.. there's bound to be some new ugly monstrosity out there.
218. Color of Car: Usually light colors except silver.
219. Number: They're numbers. Come on.
220. Gemstone: I've got nothing against any of them.
221. Hair Color: Blonde.
222. Eye Color: I like em all.
223. MM Color: They all taste the same.
224. Mall: Ghetto ones.
225. Amusement Park Ride: Log rides.
226. What’s your favorite outfit? Depends. If I'm not out to be slutty.. then just my tiger shirt and low rise AE jeans.
227. What’s your favorite item of clothing? Tiger shirt.. soooo comfy..
228. What’s your favorite store? Body Soul rock rocks for unique clothes.
229. What’s your favorite shirt? See #227
230. What’s your favorite skirt? The only one I own?
231. What did you wear yesterday? Jeans, wifebeater, long sleeve shirt, Lucky 13 shirt, green/black hoodie.
232. Do you pick your clothes for the next day the night before? Depends. Jeans and t-shirts are on a whim. Work/date clothes I pick out in advance.
233. Do you wear a belt? Sho do.
Do You
234. …Like to give hugs? Depends on the person. But yeah they're okay.
235. …Like to walk in the rain? I like to make out in the rain.
236. …Like to travel? Hell yes. To good places.
237. …Sleep on your tummy/side/back? Depends.
238. …Have stuffed animals? I have a stuffed fish.
239. …Do your own laundry? Of course. I have for about ten years.
240. …Have your own phone line? I have a cell? And my own house?
When Was the Last Time You
241. Cried? I dunno.
242. Laughed? Last night.
243. Sang? Last night.
244. Left the house? Last night.
245. Ate ice cream? Shit.. forever ago.
246. Went to Walmart? Last week maybe?
247. Talked on the phone? Like.. ten minutes ago.
248. Shaved? Some stuff yesterday.. everything else two days ago.
249. Gone to the movies? Monday.
250. Sneezed? Last night.
251. Coughed? About an hour ago.
252. Cut your hair? A few weeks ago.
253. Gotten in trouble? I never get in trouble. :: knock on wood ::
254. Lost something? I "lost" my lighters the other night to fuckers taking them from me.
255. Said something? About ten minutes ago on the phone.
256. Ate something? Shit.. yesterday afternoon.
257. Drank something? Last night.
258. Exercised? Hahaha.
259. Took a shower? Yesterday.
260. Brushed your teeth? Last night. Blegh.
261. Watched a movie? Thanksgiving. I watched two.
262. Watched TV? Hmmmm.. I watched Sportscenter last night at the bar.
263. Bought clothes? I bought a hoodie last week.
264. Slept? Mmmmmm... all morning.
265. Had a song stuck in your head? Last week.
266. What was it? Thug Angels by Wyclef.
Where Was the Last Place You
267. Went shopping? We went to Target yesterday, but I didn't buy anything
268. Went grocery shopping w/your parents? I don't even know.
269. Went on vacation? Amsterdam!!!
270. Ate out at? Hibachi San.
At the Moment
271. What are you doing? This damn survey. Waitin for Mike to get here to pick up his hobo wine and give me cigarettes.
272. Are you listening to anything? Yeah.. I've got winamp on random. Jimmy Eat World, Ludacris, Jetro Tull, Eminem, Ani Difranco, Nasum, Team Dresch, Rasputina, and now I'm on Numbers. Beautifully random.
273. What’s in your CD player? Tape player? Uhh.. in the car is Wyclef Jean, "Preacher's Son" And I don't have a tape player.
274. Are you talking to anyone? Who? Nooope. The only people I've talked to today are Mike and Jojo.
275. What color nailpolish are you wearing, if any? Nada.
276. Do you have any nailpolish on your toes? If so, what color? Nooope.
277. What are you wearing? Blue fuzzy slippers, PJ pants, a bra and a hoodie. Sexy stuff.
278. Are you cold? Only when the zipper on my hoodie rubs up against my naked torso.
279. How are you sitting? With my right ankle under my left thigh and my left leg hanging off the chair. I'mma go injun style in a minute.
280. What time is it? Bout quarter after 2.
281. What day of the week is it? Sunday... :sniff:
Have You Ever
282. Gone out in your pjs in public? Yup.
283. Had an imaginary friend? Tons when I was a kid. I didn't have any real ones.
284. Spent more than 1 hour on your hair? Dying it and whatnot. But not styling it.
285. Slept-walk or talked in your sleep? Oh yeah.
286. Gone caroling? Hell no. Christmas music blows.
287. Run into a wall? Haha.. I'm sure I have.
288. Fallen off a chair? I know I have.
289. Tripped or fallen in front of someone you liked or thought was cute? lol. It's called every fist date I've ever been one. Dammit.
290. Made people look at you weird? People always look at me weird. I was gettin hella stares yesterday at the mall. And I think the dude sittin next to us at Padre's last night had a problem with lesbians.
291. How? Well.. I've either got visible tattoos or a bunch of facial piercings. Sometimes wearing a somewhat offensive t-shirt. And sometimes, just sometimes, I'm kissin' on another girl.
292. Stolen anything? Yeah.. back in the day..
293. Broken a bone? Nope.
294. Driven illegally? Yup yup.
295. Run away? Nah.
296. Prank called a 1-800 number? What a dumb # to prank call.
297. Prank called the police? No way.
298. Worn black nailpolish? Mm hmm. I was evil when I was 14. Luckily I figured out I was being a jackass. If only everyone else could figure out that they're not "evil" and it's not "cool."
299. Eaten an entire box of Oreos? Ugghhh. Not quite a *whole* box.. but... fuck.. don't try it unless you want to be liquid shitting black.
300. Hiked a mountain? Sho have. I live in Phx. C'mon now.
301. Been to the Mall of America? I have not.
302. Seen the White House? Nope.
303. Seen the Eiffel Tower? Nah.
304. Seen the Grand Canyon? Woo! Yeah. Livin in AZ..
305. Visited another country? Yup yup.
306. Been to the ocean? Sure have.
307. Gotten surgery? Nope.
308. Been on a plane? Yes indeedy. I forgot how goddam fast those fuckers go. I still don't understand how 2-3 terrorists took over airplanes with like, 100+ people on them with only box cutters. Americans are turning into pussies. If I was on one of those planes, I'd be terrified.. but you gotta figure you're gonna die either way. Fuck it. You can't let it go so easily and smoothly for those damn women-hating, extremist, anti-Western piece of shit motherfuckers.
309. Been on a boat? A little boat. Never any big ones.
310. Been on a train? Yup. My first time, actually, was in Amsterdam. I might have ridden the El in Chicago when I was a baby, but I don't remember.
311. Been in a car accident? Yeah a few. They suck. Don't do it.
312. Ridden an elephant? At the circus when I was a kid.