"Watch my back."
I took some pictures today because I was bored. At first I was just goofing around, then all the sudden-- BAM! Cosplay pictures. xD They turned out pretty good -- considering I took them myself. I'm proud. Muaha.
My forehead is big in this picture. I guess it fits with the whole Sakura-esque thing.
I didn't like this one at first, but as I got to looking, it's one of the best. The forest colors in the background really bring out my pink.
I look aaangry.
Favorite one. I look sad, though. Ignore the chipped nailpolish.
This one's pretty, I suppose.
Anyway. I'm going over to Dan's in a few. Whenever his momma shows up. I'm guessing we'll be playing Melee. o_o ANYWAY. I'll be home around midnightish? OKLOVEYOU. BYE!