[Doujinshi] Spring Fever 2009 entry update

Jun 01, 2009 19:29

Aghh I'm so slow!

Title: Untitled (Need title..)
Pairing: England/America
Rating: PG-13
Summary: America feels nostalgic and asks England to take a shower with him for old times. Needless to say, things don't go exactly as planned.
Warnings: None right now, will become NC-17

Status: Incomplete


To be continued...

Gahh, I'm sorry I'm so slow doing this >_< !


I also have a quick Fan Art I did that was supposed to be a cover page, but it didn't really make much sense.. anyway!

On DeviantArt

America lied about being scared of ghosts to get in that bed loll. Who blames him

Please do not post these images anywhere else.
Thanks for looking!

doujinshi, 2009 spring fever fic/art-athon, fanart

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