haro in usxuk

[MOD POST] Secret Santa Assignment Confirmation Post

Nov 13, 2013 21:00

We are in the process of sending out everyone's Secret Santa assignments. ALL ASSIGNMENTS HAVE BEEN SENT OUT.

If you have received your assignment, please reply to this post with the following:

Your Name: Your Assignment # given in the email


Haro: Assignment #13

We have decided to streamline the assignment emails a bit this year, so the extra information on fill guidelines and dropping out is under the cut. PLEASE READ IT.


1) This is not a kink meme, so you don't have to put sex in it if it's unless the request directly asks for it. Also, your fill does not have to go as high as the maximum rating given in the request (ie. Just because it's listed as R doesn't mean you can't do some innocent G-rated fluff). You definitely can go lower; you just can't go higher.

2) Please remember this is a GIFT for someone. As such, please polish it off.
- For fic writers, please have a beta-reader check it over for grammar/spelling issues and characterization.
- For artists, this means a finished picture, whether or not it's colored (if it's black and white, it should at least have cleaned lines).

Minimum requirements for fic: 800 words.
Minimum requirements for art: Please use your best judgment. (A notebook doodle on lined paper might not be the best gift for someone)

3) You are given a couple of prompts to fill. You only need to do ONE fill for your recipient. If you're feeling extra giving and would like to fill more than one, you are welcome to do so. But you are only required to finish and submit one.

4) Please respect the items your recipient listed in their "DO NOT WANT" list. If they say they would like for their prompts to not have specific elements, please do not include those. If they asked for specific pairings, please use those if necessary, etc.

5) Please do NOT give away who you are writing or drawing for. Please do not post your recipient's name or contact them directly. We want the element of surprise to be another element of fun in this!

As such, if you have any questions about the prompts, please email me back at hamburger.street@gmail.com or reply here and we'll do our best to get clarification from your recipient.


We understand things come up. Life happens and sometimes things just don't go so great for fanworks. But since this is a gift-exchange and we'd feel horrible if someone went without a gift, we merely ask that you contact us (hamburger.street@gmail.com or reply here) immediately if you know you cannot complete your assignment in time. This gives both us mods and another writer/artist the time needed to try and complete a gift for your person in time. We will have a check-in date at the beginning of December to see how things are going for you.

Thanks again to everyone who has signed up! I'll be checking in with you at the beginning of December to see how things are going

I'll be checking everyone off as they reply. In order to keep track of who I have checked off, I'm unscreening comments as I do so. :)



2013 secret santa fic/art exchange, mod!post

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