Oct 19, 2013 19:34

Title: We Are(n't) Young
Genre: Drama/romance/comedy?
Rating: M
Warnings: strong language, sexual situations, a man just a few centuries too old to party so hard
Summary: Every year England does the same thing. He goes to a music festival in the UK, befriends humans and winds up going abroad somewhere with them. This year it was Ibiza. Usually England gets too burnt out from all of the drinking and partying, meaning that some has to come and pick him up. America can't help but wonder if it's all worth this.
Notes: This is just a drabble to prove I'm still alive though I haven't updated 'Can't Make You Love Me' for a while. I wrote this a while ago and have always found the thought of England going to party islands kind of amusing, seeing as its something that so many young British people do

["Show me the tongue thing"]

fanfiction, mature!sex

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