Hello everyone. November sixth is the deadline for fic anthology artwork, so it's coming up quite soon. In the event of any drops, I do need to get some potential pinch hitters signed up. If you volunteer to pinch hit and we do need you, I will send you your assignment (a fic to draw for) on the seventh of November, and you will have until the fifteenth of November to complete it. Remember that your completed work does not need to be fully colored, but it should still be a 'complete' piece (i.e. lined/shaded black and white).
You MAY sign up to pinch hit even if you have not been involved in the anthology up to this point. If that's the case, please reply with the following info:
Your name:
Your email address:
Things you are not willing to draw:
Things you prefer drawing:
Max rating you will draw:
Can you do more than one piece? If so, how many?:
Anything else?:
If you SIGNED UP to be an artist already and you want to pinch hit, you just need to reply to this post with your name and email address. I can get the rest of the info from your original signup.
Thank you so much! Please direct any questions here. Comments are screened.
haro (x-posted to dreamwidth)