From the get go, I really wanted to do an FST using solely Miku songs that I found to be USxUKish 'cuz lets face it, she has plenty of those. haha
Normally I would have this long spiel about my FST and yatta yatta yatta, but I guess I'm lazy now, I work in like 5 hours (everyone loves 7 AM shifts), and I didn't even really have to do this since I'm in the finals already for yesterday's semi-final. I only did this so I could make the Miku USxUK FST. XDDDDDD
1. Calc.
"The encounter was just our destiny after all
And everything went according to script
If I could think so conveniently
I wonder if I wouldn't miss you"
2. Eh, Oh Yeah, I See
"Although I sometimes think it, for fun I will dream it,
I never know the time to be so,
So happy, so snappy, you'll be friendly,
Till the time you throw me away"
3. From Y to Y
"You started walking, turning your back on me
without any exchanged words
My mind is wavering, and I cried out like a child
Don't go Don't go Say"
4. Monochroact
"The passing days the lies left behind
I saw your face covered with only doubts
This is the truth this is the illusion
The hand reaching out to me I will break
My heart hurts"
5. Step to You
"Things won't go back as they used to be
Even so, I can't do anything else but move on
A "sorry" and a "thanks"
I go out on a journey to tell these words to you"
6. Two Breaths Walking
"Before these blades can escape from my mouth
You took not only your lips, but also my lips
With these two they met and joined
Between Us"
Zip •