Title: Game of Thrones Author: White_Mizerable Genre: Romance/Fantasy Rating: T Summary: Arthur is a prince of the Kingdom of the North, fifth in line for the throne. His brother, the new King, marries him off to a warlord of the plains for political gain. These are his stories of life, love, and intrigue far from home. Rating may go up. Notes: In progress. Plans to be made into a series of oneshots. 1 chapter so far. Why: The imagery she uses is gorgeous, and the way Alfred and Arthur interact, despite not speaking the same language, is awkward and adorable. It’s a little different, and it works~
Title: Misplaced Soil Author: Anon Genre: I’d say Romance/Angst Rating: M; language, sexual content Summary: Kink meme fill. America and England have an argument over Britain’s withdrawal of troops from the Middle East, as well as some more personal issues, and England is left to try to make sense of the differences between his own country and America. Gah, this summary doesn’t do it justice… Notes: Complete. 56 parts (I know, I
( ... )
Title: Game of Thrones
Author: White_Mizerable
Genre: Romance/Fantasy
Rating: T
Summary: Arthur is a prince of the Kingdom of the North, fifth in line for the throne. His brother, the new King, marries him off to a warlord of the plains for political gain. These are his stories of life, love, and intrigue far from home. Rating may go up.
Notes: In progress. Plans to be made into a series of oneshots. 1 chapter so far.
Why: The imagery she uses is gorgeous, and the way Alfred and Arthur interact, despite not speaking the same language, is awkward and adorable. It’s a little different, and it works~
Title: Misplaced Soil
Author: Anon
Genre: I’d say Romance/Angst
Rating: M; language, sexual content
Summary: Kink meme fill. America and England have an argument over Britain’s withdrawal of troops from the Middle East, as well as some more personal issues, and England is left to try to make sense of the differences between his own country and America. Gah, this summary doesn’t do it justice…
Notes: Complete. 56 parts (I know, I ( ... )
Need more APH/ASOIAF in my life.
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