Title: Roman Holiday (Holidaymaking Pt 1)
Genre: Romance
Pairing: USUK
Word Count: 653 (this part of the holidaymaking fic is 341)
Rating: PG for kissing
“Alfred, there’s no reason for you to be this excited to see the Coliseum. You’ve seen it before, it’s not as though it’s changed.”
“I know, Artie, but it’s still really cool. I mean my country might be the greatest on earth, but you don’t see old stuff like this around.”
“That’s because you’re not old, you idiot. You’re just a baby compared to a lot of us.”
“Mm, I know. It’s just kind of awesome how those ancient guys built stuff to last. I mean this stuff’s even older than me, and I’m 235. You just don’t see this kind of stuff in America. I can feel its age; it gives me goose bumps.”
Arthur quirked a thick eyebrow and couldn’t help but think the other man was ridiculous, even if what he said had merit.
They were silent for a bit while Alfred finished up his hot dog (“but Artie, it’s an ITALIAN hot dog!”). The only noise around them was the thick sound of traffic and tourists, and their own deft footsteps as they walked closer and closer to the ancient building.
“Hey Artie,” Alfred said suddenly, licking the mustard off his fingers and throwing away the wrapper. “Let’s get our picture taken.”
“What? Why?” Arthur asked, genuinely confused. The only people around were tourists whom Arthur would not trust with their camera, and Italians in gladiator costume, whom Arthur knew were there to scam tourists out of their money.
“I dunno,” Alfred said, shrugging. “I guess I just want to make sure I remember this forever. It’s not often we get time off together, let alone travel together.”
“…all right. Git.”
Alfred handed off his camera to a smiling tourist who didn’t speak a lick of English, and just before the camera flashed, Alfred tilted his chin up and kissed him on the mouth. Alfred expected his English paramour to struggle, but instead Arthur smiled against his mouth and murmured his love against the back drop of the setting sun and the ancient beauty of the Coliseum.
Title: Fine Scotch (Holidaymaking Pt 2)
Genre: Romance
Pairings: USUK
Word Count: 653 (this part of the holidaymaking fic is 312)
Rating: PG for kissing
Arthur rolled his eyes, resolutely ignoring his American paramour as the man grinned idiotically at the animal in front of them.
“Alfred, seriously? It’s a cow. It’s nothing to get all…grin-y…about.”
“Aw heck, Artie, it’s not just any cow! It’s Hamish, the hairy coo! Scotland’s number one tourist attraction! What’s not to grin about? I mean c’mon, he’s gotta be like the cutest thing you’ve ever seen, right?”
Arthur could beg to differ; Alfred had obviously never looked into a mirror while making puppy dog eyes.
“Yes, fine, all right. You’ve seen Hamish. Can we leave Callandar now? If we are going to make it to Fort William by evening we need to get a move on, love.”
“Okay,” Alfred muttered, sounding dejected. Arthur ran his hand along the American’s shoulder blade in mock comfort, but had to backpeddle a bit when the idiot suddenly flung his arms out in excitement.
“Arthur! I just got an idea!”
“Oh Lord in heaven help us now,” Arthur moaned.
“Let’s get a picture taken with Hamish!” Alfred continued, ignoring Arthur’s bitching. “C’mon, you know you wanna! Just look at that cute face!”
“Fine, if it’ll get you to shut the bloody hell up,” the Brit groused.
As was becoming the custom, it seemed, Alfred yanked his lapels and brought him into a kiss just as the camera flashed. The woman holding the camera giggled and handed it back without a word, and even though Arthur scowled and put up a disgruntled front, he secretly loved the photos of himself and Alfred kissing. It somehow made their relationship more real.
“I love you, you git,” he muttered, smiling when he felt Alfred’s nose slide along his jaw. “So, so much. Now go to the bathroom before we head off, or else you’re going to have to go later. We’ve got a long drive ahead of us.”
Title: Roadtrip
Genre: Romance
Pairings: USUK
Rating: PG15 for suggestions
AN: I'm England, my friend is America XD And they definitely took a road trip to Iowa hahaha. Woot.