Alfred and the Imaginary Pirate - 1/?

Jan 23, 2012 01:27

Title: Alfred and the Imaginary Pirate - 1/?
Author: mockingboots
Rating: R
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Alfred/Arthur/Alfred asgdfe-no particular order.
Warnings: Language, grown-up imaginary friends, mature themes, possible mature content to come.
Summary:  Alfred is pretty sure that Arthur is breaking just about every rule there ever was about imaginary friends-starting with the whole ‘imaginary’ thing. AU.
Note: I’ve wanted to write something about Imaginary Friend! England and Denial! Alfred for a while now, though the idea was originally played entirely for laughs, and may still be explored. I’d like to know what people think of this as it stands, though. Just remember that it’s subject to revision like whoa.
Disclaimer: …I’m still not making money, writing these stories. >>

You didn't count to ten, Alfie...


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