Coming soon! Monthly USUK Rec Post!!!!!!!!!!

Oct 04, 2011 18:03

Hello loves.  Osco here and I come bearing exciting news about an upcoming addition to our lovely community.  And that would be a monthly recommendation post here at
usxuk organized and moderated by yours truly  with the blessings of our devoted mods haro and abarero.  The first official Rec Post will kick off on Sunday, October 16th and will be on the 3rd Sunday of the month every month thereafter, but I wanted to get the word out now because this is something for all of YOU.

The whys as to how this came about can pretty much all boil down to one thing, my love for USUK and sharing the great fanworks out there with  everyone that loves them just as much as I do.  Sometimes, there can be a lot of hate out there ,both for our pairing and hate within our ship itself sadly enough, but the best way to combat hate is, as corny as this sounds, by spreading all the love we have for USUK and sharing why it's so, to quote America, awesome.  I've been in cahoots with some of our comm members and am truly excited for the Rec Post's initial launch, and this is where all of you lovelies come in.  This Rec Post, it's yours.  You will be the ones sharing your favorite fanworks in each of these posts, and this will crash and burn epically without all of you, writers, artists, cosplayers, tumblr-ers,and lurkers alike.

Now, if I've piqued your interest, click below for the skinny!

The Groundwork aka, The Rules
  • This Rec Post will be centered around America, England or USUK.  It can be any interpretation of those, but one of those should at least be a focus.  It's ok if the rec as US/other or UK/other, but it's very important that USUK is endgame and any other pairings are plot devices.  I know there are plenty of excellent works out there that have our boys paired up with others, but this is a post of USUK and I'm going to work to keep it that way ;D
  • Bashing of anyone else's rec/opinion will not be tolerated. Just don't do it. Remember: this is a project for Love, not hate.
  • As much as we all love certain works and authors, this is meant to spread the Love as much as possible, which means double recc'ing is be kept to a minimum.  Each rec will have it's own thread, and if you wish to express your love for a work, please gush to your heart's content in the comments!  If, however, you do double rec, you must also rec something new as well, that way we spread the Love around as much as possible!
  • R-18 recs will be allowed in this rec post, however, PLEASE make sure you leave a title, rating, status (either WIP
    or finished) and author when you rec, and make sure you're rec does not have any r-18 material in it, just an outgoing link.
  • Give warnings and description of kinks/whatever when necessary, just like with anything else that is posted on the comm.  What you love may be wonderful and others may enjoy, but everyone's got a different cup of tea and due warnings are necessary.  There is a strict no bashing policy, so don't feel shy about posting whatever you love, whatever rating, but give appropriate warnings and caution regarding anything from kinks to triggers to other pairings present in the fanwork.  If you have any questions regarding this, please don't hesitate to ask or check the comm's policy!  I'd be more than happy to discuss or clarify anything with you.
  • Tell everyone WHY you're rec'ing what you're rec'ing!  A summary of the work and a blurb by you on why you love it is needed for each rec, and the blurb can be as long or as short as you desire, but it's got to be there.
  • All types of rec are absolutely acceptable! The whole shebang, we're talking fanfic, fanart, fanmixes, graphics, tumblr sites, videos, authors/artists, kink meme fills (de-anoned or anon).  Everything. GO WILD.  As long as it's USUK, it is welcome to be rec'd in these posts.

This is going to be tons of fun, loves, but only if you're involved and start thinking about great things to rec now!  If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to ask me, I'd be more than happy to discuss this project with you.  I ask now that if you're so inclined, and as excited about this as I am, to re-post/re-blog this entry whever you haunt so we can spread the word!  I look forward to everyone's great recs on October 16th, I know I've got some good ones planned for you!



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