Title: Star-Crossed
osco_blue_fairy Genre: humor, romance, angst
Pairings: USUK, side France/Seychelles, Belarus/Russia, Austria/Hungary, brief one-sided America/Taiwan
Rating: PG-15
Warnings: adaptation, poor attempts at humor, rampant character deaths (no one to fret over)
Summary: This is a story about many things. But mostly, it's about a boy and a star. Stardust AU.
Note: This is something I've been working on. It's an adaptation of the movie and novel entitled
Stardust by Neil Gaiman. It is one of my favorite stories and it is scary how well it fits into Hetalia-verse. I hope you all enjoy this and please remember, comments are love <3
Note 2: Thank you so much for everyone who commented on the last chapter, and thanks to all who read and enjoyed! I hope I can continue to do this justice!
Beginning I Seek a Fallen Star