Jan 26, 2004 11:11
i love making overtime @ 13.50$/hr.
i woke up way too early this morning- with horrible stomach pains. i watched tv and then totally snoozed. hehe.
i worked from 10am-10:30pm lastnite. i really do not enjoy answering calls for this long in a day. it especially makes me dislike answering my cell phone at all after work.. =/
i still wanna go to the doctor but i don't have time, i want the fucking vicodins! godblesshydrocodone.
abby and i have decided that we're going to pack up and leave this town.
we're looking for roommates. in our ads we put in that we're willing to share my car.
then i was thinking,, maybe we should just live outa the car.
what do you think?
me and my girlfriend and a little dodge neon.
that's gotta be the best life has to offer, right?