Nathan Ball, on a rope with his ascender device. Do not wear a tie while doing ropework, unless you don't value your neck. Probably © Atlas Devices.Something to put on your xmas list: the Atlas Devices battery powered rope ascender, excellent for ascending, Batman-style, up a building or out of a mine of your choice.Using the Atlas Rope Ascender, a fully loaded soldier can reach the top of a 4-story building in under 4 seconds. Powerful and lightweight, the Rope Ascender weighs only 15 pounds, and can use either its own high-power rechargable batteries, cordless tool batteries, or a power adaptor from a vehicle.
With the larger tool batteries, a soldier can use the device to climb over 600 vertical feet on a single charge. These batteries recharge to 90% capacity in 5 minutes.
the video on YouTube. It's amazingly fast
I want two.
Manufacturer site. Via
Make's blog.