Title: Five Rumors About Tony Stark That Aren’t (Entirely) True
mclittlebitchRating/Pairing: PG. Past Tony/
Emma Frost; suggested Tony/Pepper, Tony/Rhodey, Tony/Bruce Wayne, Tony/robot.
Disclaimer: Owned by Marvel and Paramount.
a/n: For
dotfic: beta reader, cheerleader, handholder, and victim of my eventual horrible revenge.
eta: Section 2 icon by
batsoup. I am
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Comments 201
I really do love this story.
I'm glad you love it.
And without the camera’s evidence, it is Mr. Stark’s word against his when he suggests that this was in fact a “tender life-changing moment” between Mr. Stark and his creation and Ms. Potts and Lt. Col. Rhodes could “never understand their love.”
I work with geeks, I dig geeks, he’s not just a geek, he’s, like, King of the Geeks. Which would not in any way discourage me from hitting that like the fist of an angry god. Quite the opposite really.
FIST OF AN ANGRY GOD. Thank you, thank you so, so much for that.
Sara is, I must admit, something of a Mary Sue. Because Pepper needs an old college buddy who tells it like it is, and who wouldn't hit that like the fist of an angry god?
I can't pick a favorite! *astonished* I can always pick a favorite, but this time... nope.
It might be Emma. It might be Bruce. But it could so easily be the other three.
Just... awesome!
The Tony and Bruce section was originally longer, but I realized I could never reach the perfection that is the Iron Man-Batman interaction in this episode of I'm a Marvel... And I'm a DC.
I love you just a little bit for reccing that to me. *cries from the laughing*
"I don't have childhood trauma."
"And I don't have herpes."
I've watched it at least a dozen times, and I still crack up at the end. And at "I give people the impression I'm a jerk." "I give people panic attacks."
Tony Stark: Might give you syphigonnaherpmydia. Probably worth it.
The idea of that section was the one that inspired the whole thing. That image played a big part in it actually getting written.
Tony/Rhodey is sooooo Tony/Rhodey (if you get what I mean)
I do, and it was a total suprise to me. I meant that bit to be gen, but apparently Rhodey had other ideas.
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