Project - Charitable Ukraine

Oct 09, 2013 17:27

The celebration of benefactors holds on: National competitive selection "Charitable Ukraine - 2013".
  Benefactors who have helped in solving actual public problems during the period of 1st January till 31 of December 2013 can participate in this competition. It can be charitable projects (initiatives) which realization (completely or partly) were made in definite period: public authorities, which at this period has been holding activity aimed on developing and supporting of charity in Ukraine, people who gets charitable help, mass media representatives.

For taking part in competition you should submit contest application of appropriate form which can be got on web-site Charitable Association of Ukraine, official competition website or by request on the following Competition application can be filled online on official competition website The filled application must be sent on email . Photos, publications, reviews, recommendations and so on, which characterize activity of well-doer or process of project realization (authorities) are desired to be added to application.

The winners of competition "Charitable Ukraine - 2013" will be defined in general 11 and 3 special nominations.
 1. Benefactor: company - big business.
 2. Benefactor: company - medium business.
 3. Benefactor: small business (including natural person - businessman)
 4. Benefactor: natural person.
 5. Benefactor: natural person- star of business, sport, art.
 6. Benefactor: national Ukrainian (including international) charitable fund (organization).
 7. Benefactor: regional charitable fund (organization).
 8. Benefactor: non-governmental organization.
 9. Benefactor: childish or youth organization'
 10. Public benefactor.
 11. Charitable year stock.
 Special nominations:
 1. Effective using of charitable help.
 2. Charity in media.
 3. Innovations in charity.

The winners will be chosen by National Contest committee, except nominations of" Public benefactor" and "Charity in media", where to definite winners special procedure is set.
  The announcement competition results will take part during festive ceremony of rewarding winners in Kiev in March 2014. The winners are rewarded with special symbols and other prizes set by partners of competition.
  The last term of submitting competitive application - 10th of February.

salvation, care, children, social responsibility, the fund, ukraine, community development, charity

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