What is wrong with her? She did not follow through on this amazing opportunity. And I offered her 10% off. People nowadays do not know a good deal when they see it. Bots too.
"[8:10:27 AM] * julia says: What is up?
[9:56:08 AM] Robot Terminator says: something is up, not sure yet. And you are?
[9:56:13 AM] * julia says: My internet connection is very bad !!! join me on
http://www.SkySexLive.com ;)
[9:56:50 AM] * julia says: on
http://www.SkySexLive.com you take control of my webcam and zoom on all the part of my body
[9:56:51 AM] Robot Terminator says: sure thing, let me first count my foodstamps. Do they take foodstamps as payment?
[9:57:44 AM] Robot Terminator says: please advise me to the foodstamp paying procedure in 3 notorized copies
[9:57:44 AM] * julia says: on
http://www.SkySexLive.com you take control of my webcam and zoom on all the part of my body
[9:58:06 AM] Robot Terminator says: Also I can put my webcam online. I will give you 10% discount
[9:58:29 AM] Robot Terminator says: it is really generous. Most other people get 6.37% discount
[9:58:58 AM] Robot Terminator says: Ok, i am ready to get naked. Please deposit 50 cents to continue"