From: ScrubMonkey772
Date: 58168.07
Subject: Proof.
Okay. I know for a fact that Lt. Lucas Gabriel Spiegel is the most skilled, smoothest ladies' man that has ever lived in recent times.
Just trust me. I know.
From: DamageControl1011
Date: 58168.07
Subject: re: Proof.
He made you switch teams, AJ?
From: ScrubMonkey772
Read more... )
Date: 58168.07
Subject: re: Spiegel!
Please don't call me Eustace, only me Mum does that. It sounds too much like Useless, especially with any flavor of London accent applied. That was what the rest of me family called me growing up.
Spiegel: I didn't mean to cause offense, Diziara spoke highly of you when she and I shared alcohol and commiserated over Rav in her quarters the other night. She seemed dumb founded that I knew him, and didn't think ill of him like she does. I must say that his shooting her in the back does explain her ill will towards him, and she was especially upset when I suggested that while not right, it was likely the most efficient manner in which to resolve the issue. You and I need to sit down over a pint and discuss our differences of opinion regarding Led Zeppelin. I will attempt to be more civilized about it this time, even if they are bloody thieving bastards. I will give you a chance to argue your perspective this time. I've gotten half way through your book with my notes, and should be prepared to offer the notated copy back to you by tomorrow, so some time after that would work well for our pint.
On the general topic of Rav, I don't understand why so many of you think no one would shag him. Not a few of the girlfriends I had back when he and I were bunkmates expressed interest in shagging him, especially after getting an eyeful with how comfortable he was walking around in naught. Andorians have a reputation as good lovers too, especially the ill tempered ones, which is what you lot seem to think he is. Rav never was ill tempered about anything save for me laundry and clutter all over our sh ared quarters.
Date: 58168.07
Subject: re: Spiegel!
You are capable of communicating in English?
From: LucilleLicker11235
Date: 58168.07
Subject: re: Spiegel!
What is your bloody problem, mate? I have spoken naught but the Queen's since you met me.
Date: 58168.08
Subject: Cocky Cockney
Don't pay any mind to Spiegel, I've worked carefully for years to cultivate his surliness for my amusement. It's half the fun of New Yorkers, the black cloud within their lives' pesky silver linings. All that said, I don't understand your hostility towards Led Zeppelin.
Honestly, even I was half expecting the Cockney accent to come through in text when you started posting on the BBS.
From: SpaceCowboy2071
Date: 58168.08
Subject: re: Cocky Cockney
Remind me again why I put up with you?
From: DeathKitten4268
Date: 58168.08
Subject: re: Cocky Cockney
Because if I wasn't picking on you, you'd get homesick.
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