Mar 13, 2008 17:38
The second debriefing came and went without much incident. Lt. Tallana zh'Cheen was there, in uniform, and looking none the worse for wear. Commander Sharad ch'Vresh was there. Everyone else was there that had been there the day before, including the exotically attractive Betazoid woman who drew not a few stares.
The group learned that Therav was at Empress Thalisar Medical Center in Laibok, in uncertain condition. Nothing of his condition was known except that he was alive.
Discussion of Dr. tr'Avrak was forbidden. Admiral Johnson re-assured everyone that the mission had been a success, and the objective achieved, and it would be noted that everyone comported themselves well in the face of almost impossible circumstances. He commended everyone on remaining alive. His eyes followed Diziara a tad longer than they rested on anyone else, and when he mentioned "comporting oneself well in the face of impossible circumstances", briefly, his eyes met hers. But he resumed his stony demeanor.
Johnson also announced that due to the sensitive status of one of the wedding attendees (who as it turns out had a mark on his head by the THA; Kalev th'Ritva plans to run for Federation office and is a vehement opposer of secession) everyone was required to be there. Johnson was clearly annoyed that strings of that nature could even be pulled. There'd be a wait of a few days.
"I'm going to like being married to a politician," Thil cracked, on her way out of the room.
Noelle laughed a little, even as her eyes still looked a little weary. "At least I'll be able to get those souvenirs for Arianna and Joray," she mused to Dizi, "Oh, and I think my dad would like a shot glass from The Silver Shaysha Fork. He... uh... collects shot glasses."