As Diziara and Noelle walked down the corridor towards the holodeck, Noelle showed Diziara her
nine section chain whip. Diziara let out a low whistle of appreciation.
"Where'd you come up with such a delightful toy?" Diziara asked, "May I?" she held out her hand as she asked to indicate she was interested in taking a closer look.
"Sure," Noelle
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Diziara was surprised by Noelle's kamikaze jump out of the Jeep and only turned it in time to avoid having more than the front corner of the bumper pass through Noelle's body due to the safety settings. Diziara quickly slammed the jeep into park and hopped out to join the hand to hand combat, as it just didn't seem right to let such a tiny woman take on all those borg alone, regardless of if she had enough rage in her to do it effectively or not.
About half the assembled Borg took their attention off Noelle as Diziara jumped up in her seat and with a battle cry in Klingon, she took a running leap out of the vehicle, drawing the katana from her back as she did so. She landed gracefully and sent the sword into action immediately. The fall out looked like a Blendtec commercial.
As the two fought, the Borg managed to circle around, their numbers increasing like Tribbles. Diziara found herself vaguely back to back to Noelle.
"So who's the asshole that this anger venting is dedicated to?" Diziara asked as she put a boot on the chest of the Borg her katana was currently buried in, and yanked the sword out one handed, Glock in her other hand keeping back the rest of the drones.
Once back to back with Diz, the broadsword went in one hand while the whip chain went in the other. She swung it in graceful arcs, lunged forward quickly and attacked a Borg, using leverage to pull the Borg closer. She plunged the broadsword into the Borg's throat, then said, "Ex-husband," while going after the next Borg.
As Diziara thought a moment while continuing to slice and dice Borg, occasionally blowing a head off with the Glock at almost point blank range, she finally put the earlier conversation together with Noelle's admission as to who the rage was really intended for.
"You were married to a Bajorian? Those people are whacked. Crazy religious, but insane enough to fight off the Cardassians successfully," Diziara commented and muttered another number as she beheaded the Borg drone in front of her. "I've taken down 42, how many have you killed?"
As she finished off her twenty-sixth Borg, she said, "New wife is trying to adopt my kids. MY kids."
At that moment, a voice came over loud and clear over the loudspeaker...
"Mr. Connor and Mr. Diziara, please report to Conference Room A... (pause) come as you are. Sevel out."
A T-Rex charged out of its now unpowered pen, as it appeared some of the drones had been tampering with the electric fences, and Diziara cursed in Klingon, something long and involving references to blue bastards, tribbles and explosive diarrhea of an elephant. "Computer, freeze program," she finally spit out, the T-rex frozen midstep over a group of Borg Drones, some of which had their arms up with tubules extended towards the underside of the foot.
"It sounds like I need to include the new wife into your program with your ex. If it was me, I'd probably kill them both," Diziara observed as she shook the borg bits off her blade before sliding it back into its sheath. "Computer, arch." Diziara slid the glock into her pants at the small of her back again. "After you," she invited Noelle with a respectful nod. The two headed towards conference room A.
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