thoughts on ferguson

Nov 26, 2014 00:12

Police officer Darren Wilson, it was announced last night, will not be facing charges for the death of black teenager Michael Brown. Mr. Wilson - who was on paid leave and who married his girlfriend (also a police officer) - will get to return to his old life such as it is.

Michael Brown does not have that luxury. Nor will he ever have - because his life was taken far too soon, and those he has left behind will be dealing with the fallout for years to come.

People are angry at this result, as the racial divide once again surfaces today- where a predominantly black community has a predominantly white police force. Where a black teenager was shot by a white officer. Where this verdict is seen as just another nail in the coffin of division and conflict.

In the words of the Brown Family: Lets not just make noise… Let’s make a difference…

Don’t let violence be the noise that makes the difference that is needed for things to change.

Stay safe.

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personal: thoughts, topic: ferguson shooting

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