Thank you,
Sciencenterfor the following information, which can be found on a nice handout at the Sciencenter:
"2007 Night Sky Guide
Full Moons:
January 3
February 2
March 3
April 2
May 1
June 1
June 30
July 30
August 28
September 26
October 26
November 24
December 24
Meteor Showers:
January 4, Quadrantid, Location North East
April 22-23, Lyrid, Location East
May 6, Eta Aquarid, Location East
July 29, Delta Aquarid, Location South
August 13, Perseid, Location North East
October 21, Orionid, Location South East
November 18, Leonid, Location East
December 13-14, Geminid, Location South
Eclipses visible to us in Ithaca:
March 3: Total Lunar Eclipse, 5:44 pm-6:58
August 28: Total Lunar Eclipse, 5:52-sunrise
Asteroids and Planets:
January-May: Saturn very visible
January-July: Venus is the evening star
May: asteroid
Vesta visible to naked eye
June 30 and July 1: Venus and Saturn setting in the West together 1 hour after sunset"
Tonight's sky: useful when it's cold and you don't want to go out.