Fast And Slow - Chapter 3

Jul 23, 2012 15:21

Fandoms: Smosh, AmazingPhil, danisnotonfire
Pairings: Ian/Anthony, Dan/Phil (for now, at least).
Rating: PG-13 (for this chapter).
Summary: Dan and Phil go to California to film a video with Smosh, but Ian has a secret plan.
A/N: I have nothing to say for once o_o

“So, are you two a couple?”

Phil jumped slightly at the question. For the past ten minutes, Ian and Anthony had been talking about how nice it was to be back in L.A. and how they’d like to visit England; nothing remotely personal. But now, Anthony was smiling at them expectantly, waiting for an answer. Phil wasn’t quite sure what to say; he and Dan hadn’t prepared for that kind of question. They weren’t exactly open about their relationship, outside of their close friends and families.

Thankfully, it was Dan who answered. “Yeah, we are,” he said, smiling. He made it seem so easy; Phil wished that he could be more like that. He was always overthinking things. Dan just jumped straight in and said whatever he wanted.

“We’re together too,” Ian was saying, gesturing to himself and Anthony. “If you hadn’t guessed that already.”

Phil was pretty sure that even the most oblivious of people could have guessed it. Some kind of energy seemed to radiate between them, hot and crackling, and their glances seemed to contain entire conversations. Even their movements were in sync. He’d never seen two people so connected with one another.

“So how long have you guys been together?” Ian asked.

“Almost a year,” Phil replied, smiling at Dan.

“It’ll be a year in September,” Dan confirmed, nodding. “What about you two?”

“Seven years,” Anthony said casually.

Phil’s eyes widened. “Seven? Wow, that’s quite a while.”

“It doesn’t seem that long,” Ian replied, grinning. “It feels like it was just yesterday that our drunken seventeen-year-old selves were making out for the first time.”

“So that’s how you two got together?” Dan asked.

Ian nodded, laughing. “Not that romantic, I know. But it all worked out in the long run.” He smiled up at Anthony, who kissed him quickly on the cheek.

“How about you?” Anthony asked. “Any crazy drunken stories involved in you guys getting together?”

Dan shook his head. “Phil just asked me out on a date one day,” he replied.

“Very awkwardly,” Phil added, laughing. “But hey, I still got the guy. I think that gives me some awesome points.”

“Of course it does,” Dan replied, squeezing his hand. Phil smiled.

“Whoa, we’re almost finished eating!” Ian said. “We should go find the waiter and make sure he splits up the bills properly! Phil, can you come with me?”

“Um,” Phil replied, but Ian didn’t wait for an answer; he grabbed Phil’s arm, pulling him through the restaurant.

“Sorry about that,” Ian said, once they were out of sight of the table. “I needed to talk to you alone. Can we go to the bathroom for a second?”

“Uhh, sure,” Phil replied, confused. He followed Ian into the men’s bathroom. Once inside, Ian smiled at him.

“I’m going to ask you something,” he said. “And all I ask is that you don’t freak out and punch me, okay?”

“I’m not exactly the punching type,” Phil replied, wrinkling his brow in confusion. “But sure, I won’t freak out. Go ahead.”

Ian nodded. “It’s about Dan. He has a bit of a crush on Anthony, doesn’t he?”

Phil’s eyes widened. “Is that what this is about? I swear, he would never try anything. You don’t have to worry about him making a move on Anthony. I mean, yes, he has a crush on him, but he loves me, and he respects you, and he would never...” he trailed off when he realized that Ian was laughing.

“I didn’t think he would,” Ian replied, grinning. “Actually, what I wanted to talk about was kind of the opposite of that.”

Phil blushed. “Oh. Okay.” He gestured awkwardly for Ian to continue.

Ian stepped a little closer to Phil. Phil swallowed nervously; Ian was attractive. More than attractive, even. He was close enough that Phil could smell his cologne. The scent was almost dizzying.

“So,” Ian said softly, “what if Anthony was to make a move on Dan?”

Phil blinked, puzzled. “What?”

Ian smiled. “Anthony and I heard about Dan’s crush, long before we actually met you two. And we’re kind of... interested.”

Phil was still confused. “I’m sorry, I don’t get it.”

Ian bit his lip. “Okay, this is the part where you hopefully don’t freak out and punch me,” he said carefully. “What I’m asking is... well, for you to give your permission to let Anthony have sex with Dan.”

Phil’s mouth dropped open. “Have sex with...? My boyfriend and... and your boyfriend.”

Ian nodded. “You don’t have to say yes,” he said hurriedly. “If you’re not completely okay with it, then Anthony and I won’t mention it to Dan, and he’ll never know about this. I won’t pressure you to make any sort of decision. It’s just... well, we thought it would be fun.”

Phil was still struggling to wrap his head around the idea. “So after dinner, they’ll just go off somewhere and... you know...?”

Ian shook his head. “No, no, no,” he said, grinning. “I guess I left out the best part.”

“And that is?”

Ian smirked. “You and I get to watch.”

Phil was surprised by the wave of arousal that swept through his body at the thought. He couldn’t deny that Anthony was hot, and the thought of him in bed with Dan... His face flushed with pleasure just thinking about it.

“I... I...” he stuttered. Was he really considering going through with this? Sure, he’d given Dan permission to do whatever he wanted if Anthony made a move on him, but they’d been half-joking then, convinced that it would never actually happen. This was real.

And yet he found himself far from bothered by the idea.

He bit his lip and nodded. “Okay,” he murmured. “I give my permission.”

Ian’s face broke into a grin. “Fuck yeah!” he cried. “God, this is awesome. Thank you so much.” He pulled out his phone. “I’m going to text Anthony and tell him that you said yes. We can wait in here while he talks to Dan about it. He’ll text me back when they’re done talking, and we can go finish eating.” He smirked, and Phil could swear there was a slight hint of seduction in it. “And then we can go upstairs.”

Phil nodded, his heart pounding as he waited. He tried to imagine Dan and Anthony’s conversation; what would Dan say? Phil found himself supressing the urge to pace nervously. He realized that he would actually be disappointed if Dan said no. He’d had no idea that this side of himself even existed; normally he was far from adventurous in the bedroom. And yet he wanted this more than anything.

After what seemed like an eternity, Ian’s phone buzzed loudly. Ian read over the text message.

“Come on,” he said, heading for the door. “Let’s get back to the table.”

“What did he say?” Phil asked, trying to hide his impatience.

Ian looked back at him, grinning. “He said yes.”

phan, ianthony, fic:smosh, fic:amazingphil, fic:fast and slow, fanfiction, pg-13, fic:danisnotonfire

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