Farewell to our Ah-Mah

Sep 27, 2006 20:48

Tonight, we must all bid farewell to another of our sensuals in the crazy lives of the red hookers.
Ah-mah (i hope i'm spelling that right) has passed away.
I count myself as blessed to have known this special lady.
She passed on her secret recipe for the greatest fried rice in all the land to me and I hope to someday do it justice.
hah i remember the times when mike and i would sleep over and she would bring us egg sandwhiches and that crazy gross green hot liquid that we will never know what it was. i stuck it out and finished mine everytime. someone else didn't ;P
i loved how we would all be sitting downstairs and she would pitter patter down to the stinky fridge and open it to get something out and then go back upstairs and suddenly the smell would permeate the room and we would all gag. i wonder if she ever thought it was stinky? who knows.
i love how we think she hid the hung wondahs birthday umbrella, well not so much 'hid' as 'put away in a secret sensual cabinet where all the gifts of craziness go to live' kind of thing. we will find that umbrella someday.
some of my fondest memories come from randi's house, all the fun we have had there, all the good times we have shared. Ah-Mah was a big part of that, haha i remember how i was always so scared to ask for the thing i wanted most in the world...some of that fried rice. if i could have one food right now that would be it. "scrumtrillicent" would be the word to describe its amazingness. no one in the world will ever be as good as her when it comes to fried rice. i want to thank her so much for always taking the time to feed us no matter what time of day as long as there was rice made. i regret that she has left us but at least we had one last summer with her.

I will miss you Ah-Mah.
You hold the title of grand master fried rice maker.
no one will ever dispute that.

randi, thank you for having us over all those times and letting me bug your grandparents. you are a part of my family and so is the rest of your family. We may not be blood sisters but we might as well be because hung wondah, you are my sister and close friend forever. we can cry and rub the seams of my pillows anytime you need it.

Rest In Peace Ah-Mah.
September 27, 2006.

the only pictures i have of Ah-Mah are from randios old imagestation album from prom. her she is in all her fried rice making glory...

thank you for putting up with this crazy asian by association italian sensual Ah-Mah. most people would have been scared but you laughed and taught me your secrets ;P
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