
Feb 01, 2007 19:50

I think, perhaps, I’m going to prove my naivety in the following statement. If I do, you are to ignore it and pretend that it was totally wise or at least vaguely intellectual.

I expected more. From grade 11, I mean. Coz like, year 11’s big stuff, right? Or it was supposed to be. I mean, it’s the year that stuff happens.
But like, it’s just like grade 10? With a few obvious differences (classes, and stuff…)

I don’t know what I was expecting. Something big, obviously. I’d walk into school and uh…I don’t know! It would be different somehow? But it’s not! It’s all the same! For me, anyway. Other people get to do all this fun, exciting stuff and me? I get to waft through it all. BORED.

Ok, that’s not fair. This ‘fun, exciting stuff’ I mentioned is practically driving my friends insane. Y’know, coming out of the closet, moving to New Zealand for three months, stuff like that. Some of it’s good too, like relationships finally working or starting or…y’know, being relationshippy. Whatever. Point is, STUFF IS HAPPENING TO THEM.

And like, nothing is happening with me? I know if something were happening I’d probably hate it coz, I dunno, it’d probably be scary and confusing and stuff, but at least it’s better than nothing. Or something. But all I get to think about now is how I can somehow get straight A’s and a job. Woopdifuckingdoo.

…maybe it’ll happen for me later? There’s always hope. I mean, I *am* going to Japan at the end of the year and all…I guess there’s time.

Still. I was disappointed. >.>

Anyway, more about school now! (Non-whiney, for the most part)

So, for English we have Mr Carlton. BEST. TEACHER. EVER. He’s hilarious. And he asked us to write something about our holidays to check out our writing style, which I thought was awesome coz, I dunno, it means he’s interested. And that he understands that we all have different styles? Or something like that. It was cool anyway. I ♥ English!

Physics is not as fun. Mr Holm is quite possibly the most boring man on the planet. He wins at monotone and making what is one of the most interesting (in my opinion) subjects at school boring as hell. And half the time you have no idea what he’d on about because he’s just racing ahead and assuming you know everything? But apparently Mrs Felton’s gonna take us later on, which’ll be good coz, although she isn’t particularly nice, she’s a very capable teacher. Hehe. That sounded pompous.

Maths is pretty all right so far. Mrs Amy isn’t as bad as I thought she was. She stops and waits for us and takes things slow which is uber good for me. XDDDD And she doesn’t make you feel stupid for not understanding something. I like her. ^.^ And the work we’re doing’s pretty good as well.

Modern History is fun, Mrs Forbes takes it and she’s pretty nice. Not much to say about it yet, mostly because we haven’t really started doing anything except this weird thing where we had to look at evidence and solve a case to show how historians worked to put history together. It was fun.

Legal Studies is pretty boring so far. Mrs Galbraeth is ok, though she doesn’t really make it interesting? Still, it’s not like it’s hard or anything so….

And finally, Japanese. We’re in a combined 11/12 class which is pretty whack. But we still manage to get work done, and like, we get to learn some year 12 stuff? I love Japanese, it’s awesomely fun!

So yeah, they’re my classes.

I’m applying for a locker. Or, technically speaking, my parents are. Because apparently your parents know why you need a locker better than you do? Whatever. Point is, I’m getting one.

Ooooh! And best new ever! Mum and dad said that I can do VAD! Which is ‘Visual arts and design’. It’s on Wednesday, during sport. It’s a TAFE subject so when we finish we get a certificate saying that we did it. And it’s gonna be *so* much fun. They provide us with our own art kits and we get to learn to draw and paint and stuff, as well as visit galleries. I’m so happy! I thought I wouldn’t be able to take an art this year, but this is like, the back way in? It costs $150-$175 a year, which isn’t that much and mum and dad are willing to pay. All I have to do is take a note from them to Mrs Murphey, and I’m in! Eeeeeeeeeeeeh! *happyhappyjoyjoy*

Even the fact that I had another STOMACH ACHE OF DOOM doesn’t put a shadow on my day. Though I am seriously considering amputating the bloody thing. So much pain it’s incredible. *flails* It’s the first time in three weeks that I’ve had one. I was hoping I was over them? *mutters*

Um…other than that not much’s been going on.

It’s my birthday in 21days!

But I’m having a birthday party like…at the end of March. When we can move into the new house. I’m gonna be 16. Wowzers.

birthday, classes, school, vad

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