Aug 18, 2005 22:37
Well, having not done a thing with this spot for well over a year, I've decided that for those really boring days, I'll be doing this again. Lord knows how long I'll keep this up this time around, considering I have a ton of other things I need to be doing, along with things I'd like to be doing.
If this goes inactive again, I doubt anyone will mind, or even notice.
Right now, I've got nothing to do infront of me, which is always a good sign of how this night will pan out, and I'm trying to scheme up a solid way to get some contacts that can lead to some dates and that all important serious relationship I'd like to get into. The problem there is, nothing is a guarantee to get me anywhere with the ladies, so it's probably best that I do nothing. With my track record with the ladies very well demonstrates, I come off as a complete, desperate loser without really having to try very hard, so no point in further adding to that.
If there were a way I could completely turn my luck around, and not just with the ladies, I'd love to hear about it. A loser in love, practice, and life, overall; that's me through and through. It's the perfect summation as to why I never really lived up to the hype of being "Mr. Nightmare," and why I do only mediocre, at best, at any Raw Deal event I participate in. I can come up with a brilliant idea for a mediocre superstar, but the second I put it to the test in my own hands, failure ensues. In anyone elses hands, that deck might as well be dipped in gold to match up to what it's done for their rank and aspirations in their venture to World Championships.
Thus far, the only thing I even want to do, relating to Raw Deal, is sit back and wait to see what the next set, Unforgiven, will do for some of the deck strategies and builds I have in mind for certain superstars. Thus far, I'm already thinking with the boost in Throwbacks, I'm guaranteed to get my RTC deck off the ground in a faster motion than I would've in this current environment, although, I must say that Survivor Series 3 really helped that idea out a lot.
I'll be most interested to see if the Rey idea I have will get a boost, or will it be completely altered in a fashion unflattering to my original idea. Without getting into the very specifics of that, I don't think there's any guarantee I'll see any additional Blindsides, or anything to really milk Teaser Mode, but I'm almost hopeful; well, at least I am since the days of Insurrextion.
Aside from Raw Deal, the only other thing I need worry myself with...well, outside of Raw Deal and finding myself a girlfriend, would be the constant heavy load of work I need to do for my still dead web site. There's always the hope that it'll get done sometime this life time, but me being such a lazy procrastinator, I honestly doubt it. So far, I've got some of the forums fleshed out, I just need to stylize that, throw up the required items to maintain it, and I should be able to launch that eventually.
All in all, things could always be far more worse, but I'd rather not find out just how bad.
Until I feel like venting out again, I'll leave it at this.
random rant