Dec 02, 2005 15:40
Well, this is a load of bullshit. I cant stop anyone from making fun of me anymore. If I do, they dont listen, and all my friends laugh right along with them. Hell, my own friends exepct that I'll kill myself in like ten years....of course, that's obvious because I'm a suicidal pity whore who's been nothing but a failure magnet to his friends and family. Seriously, all through Chem and the way home, I was thinking about going through with it. The only thing that has stopped me thus far is my friends and family might actually give a shit if I did that.
*sigh* What the hell is wrong with me?
.....fucking hell.....why dont I? I mean, who the fuck really gives a shit about me anymore. My own best friend is pretty much ready to abandon me.....because I got pissed off and threated his know what JD, in all honesty, I cant take a joke. You said it yourself. And no, I'm not going for pity here. I'm telling you that I cant take a joke, and that if I'm a lesser of a friend than Joe or Mike, then there is nothing for you to keep me around. I mean, perhaps you need to get away from me....I'm not saying anything beyhond "Get out of my life!" no "Oh, pity me." Nothing. I will leave the decision in your hands, and I will accept it if if you tell me to "Fuck off and never talk to you again." or otherwise.
You know what, that's all I can say anymore. Can't wish death upon you. Can't say I'll kill you. Can't say anything anymore. I'm supposed to take it all, and just smile, laugh and not give a shit. Well, I hate to say it, but my emotions were in there when I was created. But, I think I'm losing everything else.
I gave up my heart to the nine girls who rejected me.
I gave up my self-confidence to Grace, her sister, and her friends.
I gave up my pride and dignaty to Charlie Flight of '05
I gave up my self-esteem to this school.
...and it seems I have nothing left.'s a funny thing. It's so valued, and yet, people still take them. Sometimes, they are taken because of a war. Sometimes, they are taken by accident. Other times, it's crime. Revenge. And a couple of times, it's the own person taking their own life.