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Dec 17, 2012 05:27

Decided to be stupid and not got to bed on time. Instead I'm going to live blog the WWE's TLC. For those who have no clue what I'm on about: google tlc 2012, WWE and/or professional wrestling. Any which way: here we go. In case you hadn't guessed: spoilers for the results.

The Preshow
It sucked ass. The slammies they handed out were just not interesting. The Divas Battle Royal for the number one contender spot for the diva's title was turning ok until interference from Eve left Naomi of the Funkadactils the winner. That's going to be another predictable match that will go nowhere. And it's going to be on the ppv. Talk about no respect for the paying public.

Rhodes Scholars vs. Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara Table Match
Great match for the number one contender spot for the tag team title. Started very enjoyable with Damien Sandow insulting the crowd in his rather eloquent manner. What followed was lots of high flying, high energy moves from Mysterio and Sin Cara, lots of viciousness from Rhodes Scholars and some fine wrestling in general. The end came a bit sudden, with Rhodes shoving Sin Cara of the top rope onto and through a table, but wasn't an over the top surprise as some "shock" results have been lately. Would have been OK with either team winning, but like seeing Rhodes Scholars get a shot at the title.

R-Truth vs. Antonio Cesaro for the United States title
The current storyline dictated a win for Cesaro and that's what we got. As matches go it was OK, but rather predictable. Cesaro dominated at the start of the match with some submission ground work, R-Truth comes back, get a couple of kick outs on two and ends up losing the match anyway. Not badly done, but if this isn't anything other then reasonable filler, TLC 2012 is going to be a bust.

Miz TV
3MB insulting the Spanish announce team, getting attacked by Alberto Del Rio and the Miz?! WTF?! They expect people to pay money for this kind of filler nonsense? Oh of course, they needed another match. Ah well, lets have another match.

Wade Barrett vs. Kofi Kingston for the intercontinental championship
Barrett's power vs. Kingston's agility and speed. Nice back and forth. Specially liked the way Kofi actually was tossed back / rolled back into the ring. Some high flying kicks as well. I like him. Like Barrett as well, some nice power moves. The match had a couple of kick outs on two and roll throughs. Unfortunately the end was a bit sudden, one of those out of nowhere results, which was kind of a disappointing end to a reasonably entertaining match.

CM Punk and Paul Heyman in a sky box
The usual bad mouthing of opponents and the public. But they do it well. Never gets old.

The Shield vs. Hell No and Ryback in a TLC match to be decided by pinfall or submission
Jesus Motherfuck. That was one of the most physical matches I've ever seen. Powerbomb through a table, double suplex from a table perched on the top ropes, someone thrown from the top of a ladder through a table, Ryback went through the announcement table (again), it was carnage. It was awesome. The shield have been a good thing story wise and have shown tonight to be a fine addition to the wrestling side of things as well. The fact the Shield won was just a side note on an excellent match.

Naomi vs Eve for the Divas Championship
As predicted: low on wrestling content and low on entertainment content. The only good thing about it was the fact it was over in no time. Unfortunately this is the state of women wrestling today. It's going nowhere. Which sucks. But that's an article in its own right.

The Big Show vs. Sheamus in a chairs match for the world heavy weight championship
Reasonably slow paced match with The Big Show mostly stalking Sheamus, clobbering him with a steel chair. This followed by the usual exchange of big moves: a white noise by Sheamus putting The Big Show through two chairs, a knock out punch by the Big Show, followed up by a giant steel chair across the back of Sheamus. Which was enough to give The Big Show the three count. Stupid gimmicky end to an otherwise good match.

3MB vs The Miz, Alberto Del Rio and the Brooklyn Brawler
Well this explains this rather random match: it's a vehicle to give local old timer the Brooklyn Brawler one more chance to shine. Standard match which didn't last too long. Which was long enough.

Dolf Ziggler vs. John Cena in the Money in the Bank Briefcase ladder match
The crowd has been really vocal all night, but has gone absolutely crazy now during what turns out to be another incredibly physical match. Cena sustains a cut above the eye. Ziggler gets hit with the top of the steel steps. He runs into it head first at full speed. Cena climbs the ladder with Ziggler on his back, falls backwards through a table. It's incredible the amount of damage these guys soak up. Anybody thinking professional wrestling is fake just needs to take a look at this match. Bloody hell.
The match ends with Vickie Guerrero coming out with a chair to make sure John Cena is not getting up while Dolf Ziggler is out on the outside of the ring. She's followed by AJ Lee, who pummels her and sends her packing with Cena's signature five knuckle shuffle. This gives Cena the chance to climb the ladder and take the briefcase. As he reaches the top, AJ, who's been skipping around in the ring, pushes over the ladder, causing Cena to land in the ropes, Ziggler kicks out his lights and gets to keep his money in the bank contract.
I'm a bit conflicted it all. Story wise it makes perfect sense. Cena has been giving AJ the cold shoulder the last couple of shows, AJ was acting obsessive and has been known to go a bit loopy when things don't go here way. From a wrestling point of view I'd rather have seen a wrestling end to the match. It was a great match with to wrestlers performing extremely well and that deserved more recognition than it got. But at least it made sense.

The PPV in general
It's been a while since I've enjoyed a wrestling show as much as tonight's TLC. It's been pretty lackluster the last month or so, but not tonight. Apart from the Divas match it was all at least enjoyable if not spectacular. Only a minimum of bad filler and two epic matches. That's a good show. The appearance of the Shield has decidedly given more edge to the writing and tonight they showed they can deliver the goods wrestling wise. If handled wisely this bodes well for the future. Are we going to see a Paul Heyman stable? I think that would be awesome. Anyway it's now 5.19. I'm going to catch a couple of hours sleep before heading off to my parents. Good night.
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