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Sep 25, 2012 17:25

I saw the Matthew Taylor's RSA video on three fundamental sources of social power right after volunteering at Westival. And it clicked. Not just because I think he makes sense in general, but because I also saw the principles he describes - hierarchical power, solidarity and individualism - at work at the festival. Both within the festival as with regards to the festival as an entity in and of itself. Teams with different task lead by a team captain, the willingness to help each other out and the possibility to contribute ideas and work in your own way as examples of the former, the relationship with the local council with regards to permits, the goal of the festival to promote neighborhood coherency, people sponserign the festival and last but not least one person wanting to do something nice for the neighborhood en organizing the festival as examples of the latter.

The fact that these three sources of social power came together in a way that provided a stable platform to make the festival a success for both the volunteers and the visitors, is the thing that made the whole experience so wonderful for. As I wrote in my write up of the festival:

The high point for me personally was watching Intouchables with 500 plus people on a Saturday night. There's something magical about so many people all enjoying the same thing at the same time. People brought their own chairs, watched from their balcony... Call me sentimental, but when you hear that many people laugh at the same time when the stars are out, I get a lump in my throat. What can I say: it feels damn good.

And now I know why. It's the sweet taste of social empowerment. And it does indeed feel damn good. Spread the word folks. It could happen to you. And it could well happen so save the world.

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For more of his thoughts on this subject: Matthew Taylor's blog
For more interesting thoughts on a wide variety of different subjects: The Royal Society of the Arts' youtube channel
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