The Brothers Winchester Book Three:The Only One-Prelude/Part One

Nov 05, 2010 04:20



He laid in the bed and waited for the worse to come.

It was this way every night, the darkness, the silence and the waiting. If he heard the screaming coming from the living room he knew he was safe, he was still fighting with her. It was when it fell silent that his heart would begin to race. The darkness made it worse, the black on black images of what had come before filled his mind invoking terror out of nothing. He would curl himself into a very small ball, the covers clutched in his hands in hopes that it would conceal and protect him. That this time he would not notice him, this time he would not find him, this time he would not touch him.

The house is old and it carries every sound like it was an orchestra. The screaming was an aria, the thrown dishes a cymbal, his footsteps as they made their way down the hall to his room a bass drum. Every single inch of his skin grew numb as his doorknob began to move. Slowly, like a horror movie monster, it would turn until it clicked open. The crack of light from the hallway cast his shadow against the far wall, a lumbering hulk of a man that time had not been kind to. He had seen pictures of him when he was younger and there was no mistaking the rakish charm he had possessed in high school. A devil's smile and a twinkling eye that would have made any girl's knees grow weak. He had wondered if he had met that version of him, the younger version of his step dad if they would have been friends? Would that charm been enough to win over him? That smile make him feel wanted and loved? If he was still that boy, would he mind if he did the things he did to him?

He never came to the answer as the bed moved from the man siting down on the edge.

"Adam?" the voice asked, somehow deafening in a whisper with the slightest slur. To say he was drunk would be an insult to drunk people everywhere. It started before he even got home, a beer or two with the construction crew that never ended with a beer or two. Somewhere around eight he would come in, the door frame holding him up and the alcohol making him the happiest guy in North Oklahoma. It was everything he no longer was, laughing, carefree, not a problem in the world that could not be grinned away. And this would be how the night would end, him happily sitting on the couch and passing out if there was fairness in the world. He would simply drink himself into a stupor until the sun rose and the sun woke him off the couch...

"You awake?" the voice asked as a hand pressed down on his back, the muscles underneath the hand clenching automatically.

But he wasn't the only one who had lost their life in a wave of drinking and wasted years. His mother would also start early, a beer or two as she sat in the kitchen, cigarette dangling from her fingers like a period to a long forgotten sentence she would never finish. He would watch her sometimes as she gazed out at the nothing that unfolded outside their window and encompassed everything around them. He could see where she was still pretty in the same way one could look at a rusted out hulk of a car and see the polished ride that it once was. The broken headlights would fill in with shining chrome catching the light in a way that cars just don't anymore and you knew that this car was once loved. It was more than just a vehicle, this was a first love and treated as such. She was babied, courted and protected from all things as long as she was new and fresh. She was made to feel like the center of someone's universe for so long that she began to believe it herself. She was content, being pretty and being loved for being pretty. It was a perfect world.

And you could also tell, the car was dumped as soon as something newer came along. Left on the side of the road to rot somewhere and forced to watch as another car was dotted on and cared for. You could almost see the shine fade and the paint crack as day after day after day wore down on it. And where the exterior was nothing but neglect and disappointment, the frame and what lied beneath was still good. Still built right in a way that cars were just not made any more, there was always something worthwhile if one was willing to to put the time and work into it. It was sad to watch her sit there, drinking and waiting. Waiting for him to come home, so she had someone to hate for what she became.

"Come on Adam." the voice pleaded as the hand moved downwards, cupping his ass. "I know you're awake." the voice was closer now, over his shoulder, the stench of booze and failure making him want to retch.

She would spring like a coiled spring as he walked in the door. Her booze induced loathing hitting his drunk happy, colliding in a familiar grinding of metal on metal as the two wrecks met in the intersection of the living room. He was never there when it happened, he would be in the living room waiting for the sound of his truck riding up the dirt road that made up their driveway. He would put the remote down and walk to his room as she would call after him he didn't need to leave, that it was natural for people to fight. And didn't he have anything he wanted to scream at him for? And fine, go hide in your room you chikenshit!

If she said anything after that he long stopped hearing.

"Come on...:" the voice pleaded as the hand moved under the covers, the rough skin of palm moving against his sweats. "...why do you do this every night?" As if it was his fault he never welcomed his drunken stepfather into his bed and how dare he make him force himself on him and didn't he know it was his own damn fault for being so damn pretty in the first place and if you're gonna blame anyone blame your damn real dad for leaving you here in the first place and if you're gonna be like that then you deserve it...

If he said anything after tat, he had long stopped understanding.

As always he would retreat in his mind to a place where his step father couldn't get to. A place where this wasn't happening to him, a place where his real father did want him and took him away from all this. A place where his mother wasn't sobbing on the living room floor as her husband plowed away at her teenage son. A place where he was anyone else but Adam Winchester.


"You want a beer or something?"

Adam looked up and saw Dean standing in the doorway of the kitchen with a questioning look. He quickly shook his head. "I don't drink."

"You sure you a Winchester?" Dean mumbled under his breath as he walked to the fridge and got one for himself.

"So..." Sam said letting the word just hang there in the air for a moment as he looked over to Chace who just shrugged. "...John Winchester is your dad?"

He nodded as Dean came in and handed him a bottle of coke before sitting down on the couch next to Sam. "Yeah, my mom says..." and he paused as he mentally edited his sentence. "...used to say he was my dad and he had a ranch in Texas."

"Who was your mom?" Dean asked in a tone that could only be defined as harsh.

"Kate Milligan."

"Never heard of her." Dean said quickly.

Adam's cheeks grew red in anger. "Well who the hell are you? I'm sure I never heard of you either!"

Dean leaned forward towards Adam. "I'm Dean fucking Winchester, John Winchester's son. Who the hell are you?"

"Ok let's calm down." Sam said standing up as both Adam and Dean got to their feet, fists clenched. "Dean, you're not helping." he said leveling a stare at his brother.

Dean's face broke in exasperation. "Oh come on Sammy! You can't tell me you're buying this shit?"

"I ain't lying!!" Adam said, his chest pushing against Sam's palm.

"Well you ain't a Winchester!!" Dean shot back, his own chest buried in Sam's hand.

"Look, just tell me where my dad is and I'll be gone." Adam shouted at Dean.

"He's dead you fucktard!"

And the room grew silent as Adam's face went from rage to pure, pale shock. "He's what?" He looked to Sam, somehow sensing this man wouldn't lie to him. He felt his stomach drop as he nodded back at him. "I'm sorry Adam, he was in a car accident about a year ago..."

"No." he said, the sound coming out barely above a squeak. "No...he can't be...I got...I got..." and he fell to his knees as huge tears fell fro his blue eyes. "...I got nowhere else to go." And collapsed into exhausted sobbing. Sam reflexively knelt down to comfort him, placing a hand on his back.

"'s ok..."

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" Adam screamed, rearing back from Sam's hand as if burned. "Don't fucking touch me!" He kicked at the living room carpet as he scrambled away from the three of them, Dean, Sam and Chace as they looked down on him. "Don't ever..." and he began to cry again.

"Awesome. We have another brother and he's fucking nuts." Dean said loud enough for Adam to hear.

"Dean shut the fuck up." Chace snapped at him, speaking for the first time since Adam walked in the door. Dean looked back as if slapped. "Can't you see he's in like nine kinds of pain?" Chace shook his head in disbelief. "I swear if it doesn't have four legs or wheels you are a complete moron." Dean looked over to Sam who tried to hide the smile that came to his face and failed miserably.

Chace knelt down, both hands out as his voice said in a soft voice. "Hey...Adam. Adam?" He watched as the other boy looked up, his face streaked with tears. "You don't have to go nowhere. You can stay here ok?" Adam didn't move, as if Chace was talking in another language. "We have a guest room down here and you are more than welcome to stay until we can figure this out."

"He is?" Dean asked as he crossed his arms.

Chace shot a look back at him that could have killed a man at thirty paces. "Yes." he said in a cold tone. "He is."

"I don't need no pity..." Chace said wiping the back of his hand across his face.

"Ain't pity." Chace said holding out a hand. "It's what you do for family."

Adam stared deep into Chace's eyes and found not even the slightest hint of ridicule or subterfuge. With agonizing slowness he reached out and took Chace's hand. Chace gripped it warmly. "You drive?" Adam nodded. "Your stuff out in the car?" Another nod. "You want some help getting it in?"

"Sure." he said softly.

Chace helped him up as he said over his shoulder. "Sam can you get the guest room ready? I think we never got it squared away after Jake left."

"Sure." Sam said automatically as Dean looked over to him with a glare. Sam shrugged and mouthed "What?" as the two teenagers walked out towards the car.

Dean watched them walked out and said in a low tone. "This ain't gonna end well. Mark my words Sam."

Chapter One

"This ain't gonna end well." Dean said as Chace led Adam to the spare room.

Sam turned and looked at him. "You said that already."

Dean shrugged. "So? Still the truth."

"Is it so unbelievable that he is dad's kid? I mean we had no idea the farm was on assistance this whole time." Sam asked, trying to walk Dean away from the ledge of anger and frustration he was standing on, daring anyone to make him jump.

Dean scoffed. "Huge difference between lying about welfare and having a freaking kid Sam." He shook his head and tossed the empty beer bottle into the trash. "Something don't smell right here."

Sam watched as Chace helped Adam put the sheets on the bed and just could not see the danger Dean sensed from him.

"I'm going to bed." Dean said turning towards the master bedroom.

"Good idea." Sam said turning to follow him and bumping into the back of Dean suddenly.

"Where you going?" Dean asked turning around.

" bed." Sam said confused.

"Not that bed." Dean said jerking a thumb towards the bedroom.

"What?" Sam asked his voice going from shock to anger.

"There is no way I am going to have that kid see you and me sleeping in the same bed. We have no idea who he really is." Sam's eyes narrowed as Dean kept explaining. "You want him to find out about us and then him tell everyone in town that the Winchester brothers are queer for each other?"

" said..." Sam began to say.

"I know what I said and I stand by it." Dean said cutting him off. "I love you and I want to share my life and bed with you but there is no way I am gonna do that with a stranger in the house." He waited for Sam to process that before saying. "And you know it."

Sam shook his head. "But why do you get the big bed?"

Dean smirked at Sam before he turned back towards the room. "Cause you are doubting my highly trained skills of deduction when it comes to that kid. You know what that means for you?"

Sam sighed as his shoulders slumped. "Little bit of punishment?"

Dean nodded as he walked into the room. "A little bit of punishment." He walked into the bedroom and Sam's pillow came flying out of the darkness of the room. "Sleep tight." a voice said from the bedroom before the door slammed shut.

Sam said nothing as he grabbed the pillow and made his way upstairs.

"Thanks for sticking up for me." Adam said as Chace tossed a pillow on the bed.

"Oh ain't no biggie." Chace said with a grin. "Dean is more bark than bite, trust me he'll warm up to you."

"He seems like a dick." Adam said tossing his backpack on the bed and began digging for clothes to sleep in.

"Oh he's a dick, but he'll warm to you." Chace said with a chuckle. Adam looked up and kind of laughed back.

"Do you think I'm your brother?" Adam asked shucking his shirt over his head, revealing a broad chest and defined abs.

Chace felt his cock twitch as Adam tossed the shirt onto the floor. "Yeah, it's a definite possibility."

Adam pulled a set of boxers out of the pack and turned to Chace. "Any chance I can grab a shower too? I'm kind of ripe from a ride from North Oklahoma to Texas."

Chace nodded. "Yeah, it's upstairs, come on." he said getting up and leading him up the stairs.

They walked by the open door of Chace's room, the large flat screen TV connected to an Xbox clearly visible. Adam paused, the look on his face half amazement, half disgust. "That's your room?" he asked.

"Yeah." Chace said moving past him into the room and began to pick up the discarded clothes on the floor. "Sorry, I'm kinda a slob."

Adam tried not to notice the clothes were all Abercrombie and Fitch or American Eagle, anyone of them worth more than half of the clothes in his pack. "Yeah it's cool." he said absently.

"You ok?" Chace asked, his head cocked in confusion.

Adam's eyes darted back to Chace's with a blur. "Yeah. I'm good."

"So...shower?" Chace asked, pointing to the door.

"Yeah, lead on." Adam said, putting a plastic smile on his face.

Sam heard the shower turn off downstairs and the house grow quiet. He could hear the squeaking of Chace's bed as he settled in and no doubt jerked himself off before he dozed off. He watched the moon move across the skylight they had installed in the attic years before when the two of them decided to make it their room. Sam had forgotten how all sounds found their way up here in the middle of the night. He could hear the slight click of the guest room's door, no doubt Adam settling in for the night as well. He felt bad for him, it was plainly obvious to Sam that he was blood to them. He had the same sadness that Dean's had when he thought no one was looking and the the shape of his mouth was the spitting image of Chace's...

Which meant Dean was in for a long couple of days.

Though his image of the man had been shaken a bit after finding out the farm had been on federal assistance for all this time, Dean still idolized his father in a way Sam never seemed able to replicate. Maybe it was the argument they had when Sam had told him he wasn't going to Stanford and was instead staying here to help with the farm. They had said some horrible things that day and Sam had never let them go internally. Chace had loved the man but there was nothing in the world that compared to Dean Winchester in the young man's eyes. The sun and the moon moved around him as far as Chace was concerned and Sam had to times he thought the same thing. Dean was like a force of nature the way he moved through the world, unaware of his affect on those around him completely.

Sam's hand moved lower as the image of Dean, shirtless working the field. The sun basking off of him as his tanned skin radiated a sexuality that consumed anyone within vision. No one met Dean and was the same afterwards, if he was the he was one of the best looking men anyone had ever seen in real life. Coupled with the cocky grin and the way his jeans hugged his ass...there was no one that could ignore him for long. Sam fisted his cock as the image of Dean's body, moving under him, moaning, writhing...Dean filled every particle of Sam's mind as he stroked himself faster and faster...

"Hey...let's not waste that." a voice said beside him.

Sam looked over in shock, his entire concentration shot as Dean moved onto the bed. "Dean?" he asked in a gasp.

"Move over." he said as he slipped off his boxers. Sam scooted over as Dean moved into the small space on the bed.

"What are you doing?" he asked as Dean's hands moved over Sam's huge chest, his body following.

"I can't sleep without you." he said straddling his brother's hips.

Sam's face broke into a grin as he felt Dean move on top of him. "That is the sweetest thing you've."

Dean put a hand on Sam;s mouth. "Don't make this a chick flick moment." His face moved down, his mouth covering Sam's. "Just fuck me and keep this cheap." His tongue darted into Sam's mouth as Dean's hand moved behind his head, pulling it closer.

Sam felt his body respond in kind, his hands moving around Dean's waist, pulling him closer. As Dean broke the kiss Sam muttered. "I love you too jerk."

"Fuck me bitch." Dean said with a grin.

"Gladly." Sam said, spinning around, tossing Dean on his back as he moved over him.

Adam laid on his back staring at the ceiling, the unmistakable sound of sex coming from the upstairs. For all he knew only the big one and Chace was up there, which meant that Sam must be taking advantage of doubt against his will. Chace was the same type of person as Adam, smooth nice body, pretty face...everything people seemed to want. It was their own fault for tempting people the way they did...they had no one to blame but themselves. He heard the bed thump loudly and he turned over, his eyes clenched in terror.

"Please don't come down here, please don't come down here...." he repeated again and again.

Wondering if he made a mistake leaving at all.

To be continued...

cowboy, supernatural

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