Dec 03, 2006 18:19
Well, my computer is finally dead. Gone. Given up at last.
Ok, wait, I shouldn't say that. He works still, I think, just not the internet for more than a minute or two after startup. And that's pretty well as good as dead.
So now I'm stuck using my father's computer until I receive my new laptop on Christmas (unlike SOME people's parents, father will not relent and let me have it early. Well, we'll see what a week or two of having me on his machine all the time will do to his resolve.)
It kinda sucks. Well, the keyboard sucks, it's one of those "ergonomic" thingers that has the two halves of the keys split. I keep trying to hit the "y" key with my left hand and the "b" key with my right, and instead meeting the plastic non-key bit that separates the halves. It sucks. But hey, maybe a couple weeks of this will learn me how to type properly.
Also the mouse sucks, my father has it set waaaay too sensitive for my liking.
So this weekend was pretty much supposed to be really great, but turned out to really suck. First of all I didn't get to go to semi. I'd rather not get into why, just know that it was for an incredibly stupid reason and I hate this school all the more for it. As anyone who has been talking to me knows, semi has been pretty much all I have been talking about for at least the past two weeks. As probably no one knows, it was more or less the only thing I've had to look forward to for a very, very long time, the only thing I've really been excited about. So yeah, it kind of sucked, and did NOT help my mood improve at all from where it has been stuck for the past god-knows-how-long.
More crap happened, but again, I really would rather not get into it. It was just the further cumulation of everything that's been going wrong and the nothing that's been going right. I'm just incredibly irritable now. Like, beyond rediculously irritable. And I don't care.
Not much else to say. =\ I miss my computer.