Most people feel like "Vacations get boring after a while,I actually kinda miss school"....

Feb 02, 2008 05:09

...but I really don't.Seriously,doing nothing;o; My classes are starting on the 11th,waarghh.Talking about school,I'm yet to decide what to do for college.And mom is all "FHDFHRE BUT YOU'RE 15 ALREADY.Not that I'm rushing  you...BUT WELL,YEAH,YOU'RE 15" :'D it's...hard to choose.Doesn't help that I have too many interests either.
Unrelated,I've been sleeping too late (or too "early") lately.Gotta try sleeping earlier again.
ANYWAY surprisingly this entry is just for my crappy art *gasp* haaah I was bored-!(and lazy to watch/read things on my already huge "to do" mental list)


As thanks for....actually making me draw that's the first thing I ever half colored,really.  ♥ Because even if I don't like when people go "ohhh but I suck so hard and bla bla bla" I'm horribly insecure about my drawings.And and and Seiko needs more love.And I get your him-her dilemma now,I got thorn saying "Hey I gotta finish drawing he- err hi- err he-......SEIKO." EVERY TIME. Plus you're nice *A* and- erm.Anyway,hope you like it /o/
Details aside,Seiko from Lovely Complex on clothes I saw on a Kei from Moyashimon fanart.Traps gotta work together,man!
thanks to Mandy too for saying my art doesn't suck that hard too ;A; WHEN I CATCH YOU ONLINE IN SO DOING YOU SOMETHING TOO.FOR THE OLD TIMES SAKE!

two sketches from Hotel Dusk:Room 125 on DS

;___; because I got the ending Kyle just leaves and doesn't even talk to Mila.No really,I tought either Rachel or Bradley would be better ships for him but...whyyy couldn't he at least have Mila,that CPR scene was kinda cute.Although I just saw the other ending on youtube.Yay,internet!

And finally,a couple of sketches of Ash from Phantom Brave.

 urrrghh it bothers me how this one remind me of a drawing by another artist I've seen before.I-It's not really EXACTLY THE SAME but it's...alike,and it really wasn't my intention,I was drawing from memory even ekgjlk4gj4k although that might be just because I drew just up to the scarf,which happened on the picture I'm talking about too.But...whenever I tried drawing Ash's full body he looked like a fat bear \:D/ so I gave up.

*sobs* it's so noticable that I don't have a definitive style yeeeet

Goofing off this time I learned that drawing with the drafting pen brush on Open Canvas is SUPER FUN and makes the drawing 2x times less worse compared to the pencil.It's the brush on seiko and the first Ash.ALSO, WATER COLORS ;3; so fuuuun~

Extra Edit> Wammy's is an orphanage and all,and they usually don't have enough stuff to keep *every* kid warm some have to...well,share.And of course Roger would think it's a good idea to try making the two geniuses get along.Hey,it's a survival matter!
LOL.Sorry,just had to get this out of my system.I swear it wouldn't leave my head alone it's all Ash's fault for starting the scarf thing ! know,just now I was busy here minding my own things,then my sister (who is seven) randomly appears on my room's door with the phone and says "Hey Ana,phone for you o_o".Then I innocently shake my head negatively because no one ever calls me so I tought it was either someone from school making shittty prank calls or she was trying to trick me.Then she says "oh hey aunt,she doesn't wanna talk to you :ji"
LITTLE.WHOR--.SHE DID IT ON PURPOSE.It was the aunt whose house I was supposed to stay at to finish school.And she is super sensitive and hardly forgets things because she thinks IF A CHILD SAID IT,IT MUST OBVIOUSLY BE TRUE BECAUSE THEY'RE PURE AND ETC. (....pure/honest?KIDS?pffft.)
And now I'M the one screwed.hdfhdfhdfhfjrhj.
 Wheeew yay,called her and she was...normal?I just said I was talking a bath,that one always works \o/ uurghh doesn't change that I still wanna kill my sister.


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