Because you KNOW you want it.

Feb 23, 2007 22:10

It's Haseo from .Hack//G.U., a game that I've started playing recently. I've played //Infection up to the end, but have never finished it, much less played the following three games afterwards. I've never bothered to watch the anime or read the manga for it, but I have read a rather amusing parody of //Roots, at the recommendation of a friend.

Because of this aforemented individual, I'm also obsessing over //G.U.

Most particularly, Haseo, his pants, and the butt that rests within them.

*shifty eyes*

I totally did not just type that.

Anyways, here is one of many sketches I've done, but I've actually inked and shaded this one! :D It's rather cruddy, and I'm not sure if I'm ever going to color it. I totally fudged up the tattoos, as well as the pants.

However, for once I am satisfied with how the face and hair turned out. That's usually where I mess up the most.

//g.u., .hack, haseo

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