Dec 10, 2009 03:07

So, I should really be asleep now, and I was earlier, but after checking out Facebook for the farming apps and such, I found out that the latest chapter of the FMA manga has been scanlated and uploaded. All I gotta say is, GREASY GALKA TITS ON A POGO STICK WITH PANDEMONIUM WARDEN ON TOP. JUST, WHAT.

I should feel awful for Roy, and as a former fangirl of his, I should feel awful for him, and really, I do. However, my first thought after finding out what was taken was "I can't wait to see someone write an awesome non-con fic incorporating this! 8D" The scars of fandom are ever present with me, it seems.

I think I'll go to bed again, before I hurt myself. OTL

roy, fma

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