After talking idly for many weeks and months of house hunting, our search began in earnest almost by accident when Dave mentioned at a family brunch that we were looking. His uncle happens to be a real estate agent - and since then we have found ourselves perusing through listing after listing of potential love-nests. So far, we’ve narrowed it down to about a half-dozen that we are interested in enough to actually go see.
Our house choices thus far have been based primarily on price and location. We know our budget (and have been pleasantly surprised at what we can afford), and we know we don’t want to live out in the suburbs (even though I secretly love Desperate Housewives. oh wait. Now everyone on the internet knows.). <- that punctuation looks weird…
Other than that, we really have no idea what to look for in a house. I imagine as we look more and learn more we’ll know more. Any tips/advice would be so appreciated (including punctuation; parentheses and semi-colons are damn confusing).
Originally published at by Sabrina. Please leave any
comments there.