
Sep 23, 2007 10:52

Yesterday one of the great performers of this age passed away. Marcel Marceau was one of the most famous mimes in the world. Anytime you see a mime performing in the streets with a white face, he is imitating Marceau, he was the first mime to perform with a white face. They are imitating his character that he created, Bip who had a white face not only to make his expression more noticeable, but also to hark-en back to the days of Comedia Del Arte. For him it was a kind of mask. Marceau was inspired to study mime after seeing a Charlie Chaplin film. He created his own form of mime after studying corporeal mime with the famous French mime Etienne Decroux.

My mime teacher studied with him in Paris and said that he was still performing when he was 80.


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