Well, I haven't really thought much about this in awhile. I do tend to change pictures whenever I want to change it on myspace/facebook and other social media websites. A lot has happened between now and the last entry. Clearly. The last entry was during March and now, 6 or so months later, it is September. This will be a quick update because it is late and I don't really feel like getting into everything that has happened.
- First of all, I graduated! May 2010 w/ a BA in Communication and a specialization in public relations with a minor in sexuality and conflict/violence.
- ended up the semester with a pretty good gpa 3.4833 I believe
- worked facilities and caf during the summer
- moved back home to allegan
- was in jane's wedding
- have turned down 4 jobs prospects/interviews
- job searching as of now
- no motivation to do jobs as of now (for the past couple of weeks), hopefully that will change
- still living the single life
Like I said, it's a very short update and not much into the foray of my life, but whatever. Maybe I'll use this more since I have nothing better to occupy my mind. It's odd to see that a year ago I'd be in class and now I'm doing nothing. Oi vey.