sicker than a dog

Jun 19, 2009 00:00

Turns out I'm still sick from the last time I wrote, cept this time, it's worse. I have swollen lymph nodes all around my neck, a stuipd cough (that i've had for a month), a fever of 100 that hasn't gone down very much and a stupid body aches. Mind you, I did go to work this week on and off again, called in on Tuesday, went in Wednesday late, and came home early today (b/c they didn't need me.

Went to the doctors on Tuesday and they tested for mono, but it came back negative. So, I'm going to home doctor and we'll figure out from there, b/c my symptoms haven't cleared up. So, I am going home for Mara's 8th grade graduation party, we'll see how that goes, I don'tknow if I'm up for it. i need ot pack tomorrow cause my mom is coming tomorrow around 9. Urgh.

Well, i NEED to sleep at one point....

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