back to reality

Aug 17, 2006 11:45 long has it been since I wrote something on this thing. FOREVER!!!
So my birthday was on Monday...the big 23 ooooo

Well here is the latest, for those of you who have absolutely no clue what has been going on in the life of Cristen

Mathew and I broke up back in July. I just moved into my own one bedroom apartment this month. I am very happy. It was hard but it needed to happen. I have been hanging out with people from work more and being able to do my own thing. You dont realize that you dont need to be treated a certain way until you get it out of your life and begin to live life that way you want to live it.
Our manager at Carmax just got transferred to Jacksonville and now we have a new boss. I havent really gotten to talk to her so I dont know what to thing yet. I am really sick of carmax and it is hard to go to work everyday with a college degree and nothing to show from it yet.

I really miss some people that have left carmax...
It seems like our entire business office has been flipped around. First Jen then Val...Becky is going to Orlando...Christina just came from Tampa, Andrea is leaving for Jax. We have 2 new people but im not sure how they will of the girls is a total bitch.

I am hoping to go to Colorado this Jan. to see the red wings play and then go snow boarding with my dad. That should be interesting.

thats about it for now
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