Oct 04, 2005 09:27
I have so much to do and sooooo little time to do it in. I had to turn in my Spectrum proposal today at 8am. That was a ton of fun. Our feature was due on Thursday, and come to find out, the third member of our group acted like she did work, so I emailed the profes. and got an earful of BS from the girl once she found out I told on her. Im sorry but Im not going to sit back and let her get credit for a kick ass feature story I did with Terra. Just not going to happen. I take my future as a reporter seriously, and I am not going to let this bitch take credit for my work, just because she has problems outside of school. If life is more important right now, then take the semester off, dont make excuses for why you are a slacker.
I have this paper due today at 2pm that I havent even begun. I know what I have to do it on, but we have to have local sources and interviews, so I might just have to make it up. I am so over school right now. The only good thing going on right now is my internship. I have been able to go out with a reporter and write stories for the 6am news at Channel 10. This Wed I have a press pass to the opening game of the lightning. How cool it that? I just hope all goes as planned and I still get to go. You know how things at news stations change so quickly. I Have to call the reporter that is going, today to make sure I get what I need to go.
Thats about it. I want to graduate and get a real job. Im sick of this college bull 'ish Im off to pull this story out of the air.