Feb 10, 2005 06:45
This is my first entry on my new live journal. I said I would never get one, but now I did. A friend said I should start one and I laughed, because I don't think anyone wants to know what's in my mind. Well I should have already left for work so now I am going to be late, but thats ok, I will still get there before my boss so it's all good. I am leaving work at 2 today so I can go to Mitchell to work with some drummers, then aftwr that I'm working with the symphonic band. Friday will be nice, cause it's pay day;the only day of the week I like. A friend of mine might be coming over Friday night. I need some quality time with a friend, I miss quality time with a friend, but we'll see, I have rented that movie before and I know how it ends....Well no one will even read this because no one knows I have it yet, except for Donny, and one other person.Hi Donny, you are sexy, so am I, we both are, but we know that, dont we?.....