May 06, 2005 02:58
Ok, I thought with the end of the semester things would get better when in fact they are only going downhill. I have so many emotions running through my head it has kept me totally distracted from reality and has left me broken hearted once again. I honestly can not wait till summer session starts because I will be kept busy with classes and actually working and making some money. Summer will be pretty lenant with work but it will just keep me busy because right now having nothing to do is killing me. Everything seems to be going wrong or astray or something is wrong in every aspect of my life right now. I am sitting here bitching and complaining but if I dont let it out as much as possible I am going to have an emotional breakdown.
I was on the phone with michelle and we were talking about her situation and then the situation of the month/year and I was on the verge of tears so many times. I dont even know what to think anymore but I am constantly thinking about it. I will make a friends only posting sooner or later with detail etc.
I am very insecure...what dancer isn't...but right now things have only been making me even more insecure. I dont even know what to do...obviously I could not sleep...but I am going to actually try to even tho I tried once and it didn't work...try try again...only in some circumstance tho.