Oct 14, 2007 00:39
Today we went to Louisville to see Jason and hang out for a bit. We had a great time. We didn’t leave Indy until about noonish , which put us down at his house around 2. We went to the Falls of Ohio State Park and looked at fossils. It was pretty interesting. There were a lot of fish just jumping in the water and it was so cool. Just staring out over the water, there were tons of silver fish just jumping. We also went to a couple of pet stores. We went to the one I was hoping we would go to, the one with all the ferrets in the window. They have a Mata Mata turtle, which I think would be so cool to own. They are just too damn expensive. We went back to Jason’s house and then Bret and Jason took pics of Jason’s fish and I played with the baby. As usual, she was so dang cute! We hung out there until about 9 or a little after, maybe even 10...I don’t quite remember. And now we are on our way home. We are actually almost back to Indy. We decided to bring the laptop with us. On the way down we watched the Rammstein dvd and now we are watching the Incubus dvd. Although I notice the computer is about dead. Good thing we are almost home. I hate long car rides. Especially when I can’t read or whatever. I’m in the middle of a good book right now. One of my smut romance novels. I have several from the library that I am trying to finish. And we were at Barnes and Noble last night and I bought a new one by my favorite author. Plus I got a couple of cds while we were there. I probably should have bought them elsewhere, they would have been cheaper but I guess I can support the bookstore. Did you know it’s really hard to type in a moving vehicle? Or at least in our car? It’s really rather bumpy. You know, I had a really good idea for a blog earlier this week and I never used it. It was this beacon of light thing. And I was going to go into detail about describing this whole beacon of light. We really do have one near our house. And the item at the end of this beacon? MCDONALDS. I hate that. It’s a new McDonald’s like Indy needs one of those and they have had this damn beacon going ever since it opened. I just don’t get it. I think it’s permanently attached, it’s on the roof. Maybe that’s a new thing for fat people. To help them find their way. Who knows. Damn this is a bumpy ride. I65 sucks.