Jul 14, 2005 21:08
My parents and I are headed up to NJ to visit the family this weekend. OH Yay. I'm happy about seeing my cousins and my aunt and uncle and grandma.....but we aren't going to be doing anything to entertaining. Going to brunch, going to dinner, and visiting the cemetery seems to sum most of it up. Oh well... it's just one weekend.
I hope that all of you people wait for me to get back to go see charlie and the chocolate factory!!! I mean it!!! Please.......
Anyways....so that's where I'll be this weekend if you need me. We're leaving friday night after my mom and I get off of work (dad could take off....isn't he lucky) and we're coming home monday afternoon. I'll have my cell if you wanna call and chat.....I'll probably be bored at night..... :) I love you guys!