Reading 2013: A Game of Thrones (ASoIaF)

Jan 04, 2013 22:34

I finished A Game of Thrones again last night finally. I decided, after the travesty that was HBO's second season of Game of Thrones that I'd re-read the entirety of A Song of Ice and Fire because I adore the novels but the TV show adaptation made me forget that.

The weird thing about AGoT is that it took me about 8 months to finish reading it the first time I read it too. But the rest of the books? They take me maybe two weeks a piece if I have other things that need doing. I can't quite figure out what it is about the first book that takes me so damn long to get through, but it always happens.

So, on to A Clash of Kings, hurraaaaay. This one is probably my favorite but I'm kind of in love with the entire series.

I also handed off AGoT to my dad (finally) who refused to read the novels on an e-reader, but who my mom and I finally convinced to read the novels by giving him a running commentary during GoT episodes about how fucking stupid the characters/actions were and how they were way better in the book.

What you don't do is take away every slice of agency that a 9-year-old armed terror has and give it to males at every chance. Arya isn't Arya is she gets constantly rescued or bailed out of her jams. Arya makes her own damn way and woe upon anyone who tries to oppose her. Gendry is a tag-along, Jaquen is a co-conspirator, but in no instance does she actually get rescued by these people. Syrio and Yoren you could frame as rescuers, but she learns quickly not to rely on people for rescue and not to trust people just because she used to believe they were trustworthy.

Don't even get me started on the Cat/Robb/"Talisa" bullshit. Because fuck all of that.

arya stark, reading, a song of ice and fire, reading 2013, novels, game of thrones

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