005: On "Dean girls" and his "unforgivable" actions

Dec 11, 2012 15:18

I'm not sure I'll ever understand that part of SPN fandom that thinks the Winchester brothers have this super-rosy completely loving and supportive relationship.

I mean from the Pilot to now they are constantly at cross-purposes and often ruthlessly undercutting each other. They love each other, sure, but they also hate each other just as much. They stay together because of trust, and guilt, and familiarity.

To complain of one abusing the other in some "unforgivable" way at this point is stupid.

I saw someone yesterday on a confessions blog (yes, I have all confessions blogs blocked and blacklisted and yes they still end up on my Tumblr dash) say that "what Dean did to Sam with the phones was unforgivable. Sam never pulled crap like that with Lisa and Ben."

Let me break this shit down for you. First, Sam was soulless when Dean was with Lisa and Ben. Sam didn't give a shit about Lisa and Ben. Sam didn't give a shit about Dean. Of course he didn't pull that shit with Lisa and Ben. When Dean found out that Sam was alive, he split and he rarely went back except in cases of immediate danger to the Braedens. Dean wasn't living his "normal" life because of his own desire, he was living it out of obligation to Sam. Dean didn't want that life. Sam wants that life. And Sam had it with Amelia.

What Dean did switching the phone numbers in Sam's phone was a last resort should Dean ever need to protect his friend and ally Benny. And guess what? It worked! Had it not worked we would certainly love Sam less for abandoning the woman he loves. Had Dean not done it we would also certainly love Sam less because Sam was being dragged towards a nasty conclusion by Crazy Martin. Sam would have killed Benny. Benny hasn't done anything to deserve killing (quite the opposite, actually). It's my understanding that people hated Dean last season as well for killing Amy Pond (lmao, writing room, what were you thinking?) when Sam was clearly saying over and over again what a good person she was. What's different here except that Benny hadn't actually hurt anyone while Amy had? What's different here except that it's Dean who was protecting his friend instead of Sam? What is different?

I love how there are so many professed "Dean girls" in the fandom, but what that really means is they like fanon Dean, or butt monkey Dean, or bishounen Dean, but not actual Dean Winchester. Dean Winchester is rough, and lumpy, and prickly, and he has trust issues and control issues and guilt issues and daddy issues. That Dean Winchester is no fun at all. But you give them that Dean and they throw up their hands and defend Sam in all things.

Here's a hint: that means you're a "Sam girl," even if you like Jensen Ackles' face better.

Wow my LJ right now is 50% complaining about the SPN fandom, 15% hating on the most recent installments of DW, and 35% lamenting my life and my choices.

supernatural, dean winchester, 100 things, meta, spoilers

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